Monday, March 18, 2019

The Repressive Governments Of Zamiatins We And Orwells 1984 :: essays research papers fc

The Repressive Governments of Zamiatins We and Orwells 1984Outline Thesis Both Zamiatins We and Orwells 1984 have governments that hamper follow ups and suasions finished the use of physical and psychological force.I. Intro.II. Wes Governments Use of Psychological metierA. Number systemB. Sexual RegistrationIII. 1984s Governments Use of Psychological push upA. NewspeakB. DoublethinkIV. Both Governments Use of Physical ForceA. Torture of WinstonB. Operation On FancyV. Conclusion     Throughout time, people have wondered what happens when governmentgains eject control not only over peoples actions, but over the thoughtsthat lead them. Is it even possible to gain such omnipotence over human reputation that human beings testament renounce all individuality? If such a societycould exist, would human nature truly be conquered, or solely subdued sufficientlythat the will of the few could be contorted into the will of the generalpopulation? The British author Eri c Blair, better known by his pen name GeorgeOrwell, and the Russian born Eugene Zamiatin both attempt to cry thesequestions in their respective books 1984 and We.     These novels depict, ". . . mechanized societies whose citizens aredeprived of freedom through physical and psychological conditioning." (Bloom 17)The amazing liaison about these civilizations is that the majority of thecitizenry, at least publicly, applauds the governments totalitarian actions.Both Zamiatins We and Orwells 1984 have governments that repress thought andaction through the use of physical and physiological force.     One of the most seeable ways the government of the United State is ableto control the thought and actions of its citizens is by the use and abuse of asystem by which apiece member of society receives a number at birth sooner ofgiven a name (G senilestein 54). The rime are assigned fit to sex andoccupation. For example, D-503, the main ch aracter in We, is male, and is thusassigned a consonant for his prefix while his female partner, O-90, is assigneda vowel. As D-503 is an engineer, he receives a 5 as his first number. All cite poets such as O-90 have numbers under 100. (Zamiatin 46). This use ofnumbers instead of names creates a sense of unity and oneness of figure in thecontented, complacent Numbers of the United State. "The most striking thingabout the Numbers "names", is how easily they incorporate their assignment intotheir lives, and their contempt for the "old way" of naming." (Gregg 549)     The Numbers numbers are sewn onto their tunics called "unifs", frontand back in large enough print that anyone, ". . .up to one hundred meters away mass read your Number from any direction.

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