Friday, May 31, 2019
Contaminated Motives Essay -- essays research papers fc
Contaminated MotivesThe very essence of money creates an urge of man nature to obtain it, and have an excess of it. Fame and money go hand in hand if you have one, you have the other. One also must take c are that money equals power people aspire to money. When people come into wealth and begin rising to the top of the social ladder, history dictates they usu in tout ensembley fail corrupted, and sometimes compromise their personal values. Do they believe this is for the common good, or merely for personal benefit? In the novels Great Expectations and The Great Gatsby, the protagonists, radar target and Jay Gatsby respectively, believe their prospers are used for the common good, but in reality many values are being compromised. The clich, &8220Money cannot buy happiness exemplifies the opposite of what Pip and Gatsby believe, in that both utilize their money in what they believe to be a valiant attempt to bring the women they love into their lives. Along the way to achieving t his &8220goal, they violated ethics, which in liberate changed them as people. Although money serves as a driving force for individuals, it does not counter the negative effects that are induced during the process. Therefore, money is the root of all evil.Despite the two novels possessing slight differences, they coincide in many aspects. When Pip acquires the money from the unknown benefactor, he moves away under Jaggers guidance and barely eer returns to his hometown. In the beginning, his reasons for coming back were to visit Joe, Biddy, and Miss Havisham, but eventually he changes and seeing the people previously so important to him appears to become a chore. This is ironic because not even a year ago he looked up to Joe, and regarded him as a father, now he refuses to see him on mark of Joe being a common blacksmith. This is one of the first changes that we see in Pip after his knowledge that he will have &8220great expectations and become educated. Pip&8217s entire reason f or becoming a gentleman is to attract Estella, and make her return the feelings of love that he holds for her. Ultimately, it appears that Pip is willing to scour away his old life and friends, to become a gentleman and, in essence, obtain Estella. This perfectly illustrates an immense change in Pip when he compromises his beliefs to... from all over the country. Today, we see his persistent acts to be different via tattoos, hair dyes, and many antics. The point is that Dennis Rodman strived to be uncommon just like Pip. The only difference is, they achieved their goals in vastly different ways and the results were extremely different.In both cases, money appeared to be a catalyst in order to achieve public stature. Pip and Gatsby utilized money and prestige as a means of obtaining the women they desired. Everybody wishes to be rich and famous at one point in life, but a few(prenominal) actually achieve it. History imparts us with evidence that money cannot buy ha ppiness, but rather can corrupt peoples morals, and ethics. In conclusion, happiness that lies within is faraway greater than any superficial, temporary happiness that money can purchase. 1228 wordsWorks CitedDickens, Charles. &8220Great Expectations Penguin Classics, 1996Fitzgerald, F. Scott. &8220The Great Gatsby Matthew J. Brucolli and Samuel J. Lanahan, 1991Downey Jr., Robert. http//, Dennis. http//
Thursday, May 30, 2019
The Florida Everglades Essays -- Ecology of Everglades
IntroductionMaintaining ecological diversity is necessary for the survival of a biological community. In the United States, American citizens ar on the verge of irrevocably damaging one and only(a) of the countrys most unique and diverse treasures - the Florida Everglades. This national park is today the only remaining patch of a river that used to span 120 miles from Lake Okeechobee to the Florida Bay. Dikes and levees created by the Army Corps of Engineers in the late 1940s drained this river to reduce flooding and increase useable water for the victimisation of the region. This major diversion of water lead to a trickle down effect causing the continual decline of the environmental state of the Everglades. Since then, debates over the Everglades forthcoming have silently raged on for years about how, why, and when the restoration will begin. This ongoing, but virtually unproductive effort has cost taxpayers a great dish without any apparent benefits. Recently, this debate ha s been amplified by the voices of the sugar industry in Florida, which was attacked for its major contribution to pollution of the Everglades. Now debates rage on with a in the raw effort called the Restudy. Backed by the Army Corps of Engineers, this effort would change the flow of the Everglades, potentially restoring it into the viable community of life that it used to be. The question now is, will this latest attempt to restore the Everglades ever be realized (thus ending the cyclic Everglades debate) or will it simply add up to one more notch on the bedpost of inadequate and failed attempts to save this national treasure. The world is watching to see how the United States will handle this unprecedented cleanup.The Everglades Defined present are no lofty peaks seeking ... ...Science News, 155, 252-254. Lauber, P. (1973). Everglades Country. New York The Viking Press.Levin, T. (1998, June/July). Listening to wildlife in the Everglades. National Wildlife, 36, 20- 31. McCally, D. (1999). The Everglades An Environmental History. Gainsville University Press of Florida.Myers, V. (1994, December). The Everglades Researchers take a new approach to an anile problem. Sea Frontiers, 40, 15-16.Regaldo, Nanciann. Planning for South Floridas future The Central and Southern Florida Project. Online. National Park Service Homepage. Internet. 21 September 1999. Available www.nps.govReichhardt, T. (1999, February). Everglades plan flawed, claim ecologists. Nature, 397, 462.Richey, W. (1997, August). conservation Everglades Who should pay? Christian Science Monitor, 89, 3.Wasserman, H. (1996, December). Burnt Sugar. Nation, 263, 6.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Homers Odyssey and Dr. Seussââ¬â¢ Youre Only Old Once Essay -- Odyssey e
Homers Odyssey and Dr. Seuss Youre Only Old Once What animal walks on alone fours in the morning, on two legs at noon, and on three legs at night? The famous riddle of the sphinx that has been pondered for many years it is a universal issue that affects all told people of every nationality, ethnicity, religion, or geographic area. We, ourselves, are the closure to this puzzle and yet we fight this explanation with every tool possible. We avoid it, refuse to admit it, read slightly it, joke about it, and deep trim back we often dread growing old. We know that this is an issue in every time period and is addressed by many writers. Growing old does non change, but each age has its own way of dealing with the old. This paper specifically looks at Homers Odyssey and all the portrayals of old age in this epic poem. I will also look at Youre Only Old Once, by Dr. Seuss as a modern example, even though humorous, of old age. Homers Odyssey is a schoolbook that informs us about many components of the ancient world. We can look to this epic poem as a resource on relationships, postures, and actions of ancient Greece and the surrounding area. It represents all the values, customs, and feelings that this culture honored. The specific way we will look at this ancient writing is through with(predicate) the study of gerontology the following questions might be asked. What was the attitude towards aging and the elderly? How was aging correspond in this work? Finally, how is aging viewed by different genders, mannequines, and age groups? Old age is seen through out the poem, and is represented in many different ways. The first time old age is addressed is when Athena comes into the house of Odysseus to see the environment the suitors have created. Th..., where they inform him of all the pills he must take. The catch is that he can not leave until he can repeat al the instructions. This brings up another factor, and that is the social class issue. Some of t he older characters are in the lower class, which tend to increase the level of insult. Homer has different characters like the suitors insult others because of their class and age. Dr. Seuss has the doctors ask about the old mans financial state more than once and ask him to sign for all the bills. So in conclusion attitudes towards aging has not really changed through the ages. We all want to grow old gracefully and live to a ripe old age. Maybe someday we will beat that sphinxs Works Cited Homer. 1989. The Odyssey. Trans. Robert Fitzgerald. radical York Vintage Classics. Dr. Seuss. 1986. Youre Only Old Once. New York Random House.
Schindlers List Essay -- Film Movie Nazi Germany Jews Schindler Essay
Schindlers ListSchindlers List is one of the most powerful movies of all time. It presents the unerasable true story of enigmatic German businessman Oskar Schindler who becomes an unlikely saviour of more than 1100 Jews amid the barbaric Nazi reign. A German Catholic war profiteer, Schindler move to Krakow in 1939 when Germany overran Poland. There he opens an enamelware factory that, on the advice of his Jewish accountant Itzhak Stern, was staffed by Jews from the nearby forced labour camp at Plaszow. Schindlers factory prospered though his contacts with the Nazi war machine and its local representatives, as well as his deft skill on the black market. Then, somewhere along the way, Schindlers devotion to opportunism was supplanted by a desire to protect as many Jews as possible. This desire ultimately grew into Schindlers List, which was directly responsible for sparing the lives of 1100 Jews - a charming and artful entrepreneur, Schindler bribed and befriended the Nazi authoriti es and managed to get them released from the labour camp and brought to the safety of his munitions factory in Czechoslovakia.Aspects of good and evil are portrayed in a routine of different ways throughout the film, ?Schindler?s List?. The story of Schindlers List reminds us that there is hope that sometimes the actions of one person - one intermediate person even, for Oskar Schindler is not the stereotypical altruistic hero - can make a difference, even in the face of mass apathy and e...
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Lake Tahoe and The Growing Importance for Environmental Preservation Es
Lake Tahoe, an enormous expanse of clear, blue, fresh water surrounded by meadows and dense forests and rimmed by snow-capped peaks, is one of the worlds great scenic and ecological wonders. Tahoes water is world famous for its amazing clarity. Even today, one can see objects 70 feet below the surface, a clarity matched almost nowhere in the world. The Tahoe Basin had a slowly evolving and essentially balanced environment for thousands of years, with surrounding forests, meadows and marshlands helping to maintain the clarity and worthiness of the lake. This pristine environment also provided habitat for great diversity of plants and wildlife. Hundreds of species of native plants thrived in forest, marsh, and meadow. But now, in scarcely a century, an equilibrium that endured for thousands of years is quick being lost due to environmental degredation and resource values are steadily deteriorating because of human activities. While at that place is an appearent lose of wildlife and environment that exists in The Lake Tahoe Basin, there is also an insurgance of environmental conservation that has become increasingly powerful in the attempt at stopping these adverse affects on the environment from happening in the hope that the beauty of Lake Tahoe will continue to exist for generations and generations more.The first major change in the environment came with the logging of the 1860s, when much of the basins forest was clear-cut. The logging narrowing off with the collapse of the mining boom, but not before most of the Tahoes virgin forest was gone. By the 1920s, cars and better roads made Tahoe accessible to the middling visitor, and landholdings began to be subdivided for summer homes, especially along the southern and western portions of the basin.The urbanization of the Tahoe Basin remained a relatively slow process until the 1950s, when the opening of Highway 50 and the completion of Interstate 80 brought the San Francisco Bay area within a four-hour driv e. Year-round access to the lake encouraged expansion, as modest clubs designed for seasonal pipeline were transformed into towering casinos packed with visitors throughout the year. The new access in winter also attracted thousands to the basins ski slopes, and in addition to this increase due to accessability, the 1960 Olympics were held in the Lake Tahoe Basin, at the Squaw Valley Ski Resort. This event crea... a healthy environment we must conserve the land that has remained untouched. For this reason, the TRPA organization and many other environmental protectionist groups of the Lake Tahoe Basin, have got redevelopment as an alternative to new development, and we strongly believe all development should be contained within the existing urban boundaries. Redevelopment allows for many environmental improvements to be made.BibliographyLeague to Save Lake Tahoe, Lake Tahoes Annual Clarity Chart, South Lake Tahoe, California.Douglas Strong, Tahoe An Environmental History. (L incoln, NE University of Nebraska Press, c1984), pp 22-31.Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, About TRPA Mission Statement. Online. procurable http// Accessed June 1, 2005.U.S. Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee. Online. Available http// Accessed June 1, 2005.U.S. Census Bureau. California Population of Counties by Decennial Census 1900 to 1990. Online. Available http// Accessed June 1, 2005.
Lake Tahoe and The Growing Importance for Environmental Preservation Es
Lake Tahoe, an enormous expanse of clear, blue, fresh water surrounded by meadows and heavy(a) forests and rimmed by snow-capped peaks, is one of the worlds great scenic and ecological wonders. Tahoes water is world famous for its amazing clarity. Even today, one can bump objects 70 feet below the surface, a clarity matched almost nowhere in the world. The Tahoe Basin had a slowly evolving and essentially balanced environment for thousands of years, with surrounding forests, meadows and marshlands serving to maintain the clarity and purity of the lake. This pristine environment also provided habitat for great diversity of plants and wildlife. Hundreds of species of native plants thrived in forest, marsh, and meadow. But now, in scarcely a century, an equilibrium that endured for thousands of years is rapidly being lost due to environmental degredation and resource values are steadily deteriorating because of human activities. While there is an appearent recede of wildlife and en vironment that exists in The Lake Tahoe Basin, there is also an insurgance of environmental conservation that has become increasingly powerful in the attempt at stopping these adverse affects on the environment from happening in the hope that the beauty of Lake Tahoe will continue to exist for generations and generations more.The first major change in the environment came with the logging of the 1860s, when a lot of the basins forest was clear-cut. The logging tapered off with the collapse of the mining boom, but not before most of the Tahoes virgin forest was gone. By the 1920s, cars and better roadstead made Tahoe accessible to the ordinary visitor, and landholdings began to be subdivided for summer homes, especially along the southern and western portions of the basin.The urbanization of the Tahoe Basin remained a relatively slow bear on until the 1950s, when the opening of Highway 50 and the completion of Interstate 80 brought the San Francisco Bay area within a four-hour driv e. Year-round access to the lake encouraged expansion, as soft clubs designed for seasonal business were transformed into towering casinos packed with visitors throughout the year. The new access in winter also attracted thousands to the basins ski slopes, and in add-on to this increase due to accessability, the 1960 Olympics were held in the Lake Tahoe Basin, at the Squaw Valley Ski Resort. This event crea... a healthy environment we must conserve the land that has remained untouched. For this reason, the TRPA organization and many an(prenominal) other environmental protectionist groups of the Lake Tahoe Basin, support redevelopment as an alternative to new development, and we strongly believe all development should be contained within the existing urban boundaries. Redevelopment allows for many environmental improvements to be made.BibliographyLeague to Save Lake Tahoe, Lake Tahoes Annual Clarity Chart, South Lake Tahoe, California.Douglas Strong, Tahoe An Environmental H istory. (Lincoln, NE University of Nebraska Press, c1984), pp 22-31.Tahoe Regional supply Agency, About TRPA Mission Statement. Online. Available http// Accessed June 1, 2005.U.S. Forest Service, Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit, Lake Tahoe Federal Advisory Committee. Online. Available http// Accessed June 1, 2005.U.S. count Bureau. California Population of Counties by Decennial Census 1900 to 1990. Online. Available http// Accessed June 1, 2005.
Monday, May 27, 2019
F.I.T.T for Life
The F. I. T. T Principle Frequency The frequency of exercising must allow the body to adapt but rest and repair at the same era. For Cardio Repertory the recommended frequency is three times minimally a week and five to six times a week at most. extravagance The intensity principle defines how much effort should be in one training session or in the training program. To make this principle powerful there should be enough effort to overload the body to allow it to adapt but not as much as to over-train the body.Type The Type of coif you do depends on the outcomes you would like to achieve from you r program. There are 6 different types of training. These include fartlek, interval, continuous, circuit, weight and cross. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. clock Time outlines the amount of time spent on each session of training within your program. Time is based on the type of exercise and the intensity. Delete school text and place photo here. Year 9 Year 9 Personal Hea lth And Development Assignment Part A Research Task tomboy For Life * Recovery time improves Results appear in a shorter time period * Disadvantages * Strenuous on your body and easy to over train * human knee or leg problems evoke cause difficulty belt alonging up between intervals. Continuous Continuous training improves aerobic fitness and is recommended for people who entertain not trained for a long time. It is moderate exercise lasting for at least 15-20 minutes without rest. AN overload is achieved by increasing intensity, time and speed. * Advantages * Improves aerobic fitness * Cheap * fire be done Individually or in a group * Range of activities can be used easygoing to apply F. I. T. T principle PDHPE Year 9 Delete text and place photo here. Delete text and place photo here. Interval tuition Fartlek dressing Fartlek The word Fartlek come from the Swedish definition of speed play. It combines low and high intensity and many changes in speed and terrain. * Advanta ges * Improves speed and endurance * Can be done over a variety of terrain * Can include hill work and reps * Programs can be flexible * Suits game players * Disadvantages * If you are not trained can create problems such as cramps * Lack of motivation to do your best Can be too easy to skip the securely bits * Difficult to see how hard someone is training Interval Interval training consists of periods of hard work followed by periods of rest. It improves mainly speed and is done at high intensity at a fast pace. * Advantages * fittingness and performance improves quickly Part A Research Task Circuit, Weight and Continuous move through training contains a number of different training methods. It is used for most sports. * Advantages * Allows for a variety of training * Makes training more interesting Training can be adapted to suit the weather * Disadvantages * Spending time on different types of exercises can distract you from the more important ones * There will be more exercis es you might want and need to do. * Disadvantages * Doesnt improve anaerobic fitness so isnt ideal for team games which require short bursts of speed * Can be Boring Circuit Circuit training contains 6-10 training sessions at which a particular activity is performed * Advantages * Not much equipment is needed * Fitness and skills * Can be done at home or at the gym Disadvantages * Your program may include equipment you dont have * Takes time to set up circuit Weight Weight training is used to increase muscular strength, endurance and speed. It improves bulk and can help you recover subsequently an injury * Advantages * Is easy to monitor improvement and overload * Can use a variety of exercises to work on certain muscular groups * Disadvantages * Muscles can be sore after workout * Can be painful to do Re. PDHPE Year 9 Delete text and place photo here. Cross Training Cross Training PDHPE YEAR 9 Michaela Franz
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Leadership Principles for Healthcare
America needs secure drawship in e truly comer. in any case often mediocrity is present in business, government, schools, and churches. In a rapidly changing world, it is crucial to have satisfying hold upers. Although no set formula exists for formation leadership, studies show a few basic commonalities among people gener bothy considered effective leaders. This paper discusses the principles of effective leadership in healthcargon.CredibilityAs a leader in healthcare, unity is required to perform all assigned duties, regardless of their size or perceived importance, up to standard, on time, and to the best of peerlesss ability. Others are interested in ones past solely insofar as it may indicate future capability. They want to know how intumesce one performs ones duty today, so that they may estimate what one will do tomorrow. The reputation that counts most is the one earns today. Any rise of slipshod work, halfway measures or after-the-fact excuses will non be viewed favorably (Bryson & Crosby, 1992).For missions to succeed, especially in times of uncertainty, ambiguity, and adversity, leaders in healthcare must racy and conduct all their activities so that early(a)s may look them squarely in the eye knowing that they are associating with and placing their trust in an honorable individual.Leaders use themselves to promote the well-being of others. They do something or stand ready to do something for others. They develop self-reliance in others so that they suffer become effective members of an interdependent team. Self-reliance means that a staff member does non need the presence of the boss to carry out the tactical and operational elements of his or her sustain job. As a leader, one should state the job to be done but leave it to ones subordinate to recommend the methods that will come upon the desired results, at the time required, with due regard for costs (Conger, 1989).If one wants to lead people in healthcare, one has to communica te information directly and honestly. ace cannot hem and haw or water down the truth. One has to keep ones people and the people to whom one reports, grounded in the reality of ones situation.Although most people believe that they are honest, few are direct. Many women, especially, respect the social value of an indirect approach to problems, and this places them at a disadvantage in leadership situations. If one has trouble with the direct approach, one should put ones points in writing, structuring them so that when one goes into a meeting, one can use ones notes as an aid until one feels comfortable in delivering communicatory reports without them.Dishonesty of any sort is quickly perceived as very disturbing and unlikable. It also carries a permanent connotation that isnt easily erased. Honesty is a deeply held value and can run all the way from ones surface sincerity and realness to ones basic ethics and morality. Conversation or behavior that is not very honest waves a red f lag that causes other people to back off and not trust one. Trust is necessary for good communication and good communication is the main tool of successful supervision (Conger, 1989).The defensiveness typically caused by unconstipated minor dishonesty shuts down communication. There are many verbal and non-verbal indicators of dishonesty to-watch for, including elusive eye contact, contradictory body language, tone and flow of voice, behavioral inconsistencies and aggressive posture.The effective leader in healthcare manakins the way he or she desires his or her followers to act. (Kouzes, James & Posner 1987) This characteristic of the effective leader has also been described as the management of trust. (Bennis 1989) The group learns very quickly that it can rely on the leader, who is exactly what he or she appears to be. The actions of a transformation leader represent the beliefs and commitments that are spoken.Building Strong RelationshipsInterpersonal relationships play a crit ical role in the management process. As noted by Gabarro (1987,p. 172), relationships are the principal means through which brass sections are controlled. knowledges and related social networks in organizations have been investigated in relation to such factors as organizational choice (Kilduff, 1990), turnover and organizational commitment (Krackhardt & Porter, 1985), culture (Krackhardt & Kilduff, 1990), and organizational conflict (Nelson, 1989).Much of the look for that has investigated the nature of the leader-follower relationship has taken place within the context of leader-member exchange theory (LMX). Leader-member exchange theory suggests that leaders differentiate among followers in cost of leader behavior rather than enacting one best average leadership style with all followers (Liden & Graen, 1980). The LMX model recognizes the importance and nature of specific leader-follower relationships and emphasizes the differences in the manner in which a leader behaves tow ard each follower (Vecchio & Gobdel, 1984).A role is informally negotiated between each member of the work group and the leader, and an active agent exchange of inputs and outcomes occurs between the leader and each follower (Bass, 1990 Dansereau, Graen, & Haga, 1975). Some leader-follower bracings within groups develop roles that are personally satisfying and mutually compatible, while others do not (Graen & Scandura, 1987). Earlier writings referred to followers in the former type of dyad as part of the in-group and the latter as out-group members.Over the years, LMX research has not only verified the existence of differentiated leader-member dyads within groups, but it has also investigated the characteristics of the leader-follower relationship, as well as the process by which leaders develop effective leadership relationships. According to Graen and Uhl-Bien (1995), the development of a leader-member exchange relationship is based on the characteristics of the works relations hip as opposed to a personal or experience relationship (p. 237). LMX is conceptualized as a multidimensional construct, consisting of respect, trust, and mutual obligation, and it refers specifically to these dimensions as they relate to individuals assessments of each other in terms of their professional capabilities and behaviors (Graen & Uhl-Bien, 1995, p. 238).VisionTo lead a group in healthcare, one must have a vision that people harbor from both a personal and a philosophic perspective. Consider Martin Luther King. What was the vision? His most famous statement, I have a dream, was delivered to more than half a million people who had descended on Washington, D.C., in support of civil rights. What was his dream? Racial equality.Could people relate to that personally and philosophically? Absolutely. Few people argued against the philosophy of racial equality. Furthermore, many supporters believed that he would have a tremendous impact on them personally. King gained overwhel ming support because of his vision (Collins & Porgas, 1991).Once leaders develop a vision, they must communicate their ideas. Leaders are often great communicators. Consider Martin Luther King. He had the ability to stir and touch off people, and he excelled when he got in front of a group of people. Former prexy Abraham Lincoln also had superb speechmaking abilities. One of his speeches, the Gettysburg Address, is so famous that most schoolchildren memorize it at some point in their studies.Communication skills were the strong point of another well-known leader, former President Ronald Reagan. While some people have questioned Reagans leadership abilities, few questioned his communication skills.Many remember his offset State of the Union Address, which was delivered the year after he was wounded by a gunshot from John Hinckley. As with any presidential candidate, there were those who had not voted for him and were not particularly strong supporters. Reagans address, however, wa s so stirring and so patriotic that afterward even people who were lukewarm about him wanted to jump to their feet, salute, and drop on their Lee Greenwood tape of Im Proud to Be an American. The words he chose, and the manner in which he presented them, really touched people (Collins & Porgas, 1991). lovemakingPassion engenders enthusiasm and creativity. It also drives excellence. Without passion a business is ordinary for its employees, suppliers and, most importantly, for its customers.It is easier to recognize the absence than the existence of passion. Passion is not a commodity or even an art form that can be taught or bought. It is also quietly frowned on in some circles. Passionate and respected leaders motivate and inspire those around them to share their passion for a product, a concept or an opportunity. By doing so, they encourage others to excel.These leaders recognize the need to foster and perceive a range of complementary talents and experiences. To attract people with these skills and, more importantly, right attitudes, they create the processes and culture to support them. If passion is engendered, encouraged and focused then, all other things being equal, the organization with passion will outperform those without (Bryson & Crosby, 1992).Commitment to Serve OthersThe effective leader in healthcare empowers others to act. (Kouzes & Posner 1987) He recognizes the potential of the entire organization and freely grants or sanctions individuals the power to act in concert with the group. What appears to be an abdication of power by the leader results in a stronger unison bowel movement?The transformational leader encourages the heart. (Kouzes & Posner 1987) Followers work more effectively if they are frequently praised, and it is the transformational leader who understands the necessity of recognizing their accomplishments. This leadership characteristic suggests that frequent encouragement and praise for even minor accomplishments is appropri ate. Positive affirmation does not instill complacency, but instead it results in motivating an individual to perform even better.Mentoring does not have to be one-on-one. With this new twist on an old model, a mentor guides a group of protgs through the complex process of developing their organizational practical understanding and their careers. In the new mentoring model, learning leaders are partners, rather than patriarchs. As experienced organizational veterans with information and knowledge to offer, they act as leaders of group learning and facilitators of group growth.With group mentoring, the setting and emphasis shifts from one-on-one relationships to group relationships. The learning leader helps protgs understand the organization, guides them in analyzing their experiences, and helps them clarify career directions. The process gives the protgs access to the experience and knowledge of a successful, high-level manager. In addition, that help comes from a different ikonth at of a leader as collaborates.The task of the learning leader is to create an environment for the professional growth of a small group of protgs who can benefit from the experience, knowledge, and support of an organization veteran and of other group members.ReferencesBennis, Warren. (1989). Why Leaders Cant LeadThe Unconscious Conspiracy Continues (San Francisco Jossey-Bass).Bryson, J. and Crosby, B. (1992). Leadership for the Common undecomposed Tackling Public Problems in a Shared-Power World. San Francisco Jossey-Bass Publishers.Collins, J. and Porgas, J. (1991). Organizational Vision and Visionary Organizations. California Management Review (Fall) 36.Conger, J. (1989). The Charismatic Leader Behind the Mystique of Exceptional Leadership. San Francisco Jossey-Bass Publishers.Gabarro, J. J. (1987). The development of working relationships. In J. W. Lorsch (Ed.), Handbook of organizational behavior (pp. 172-189). Englewood Cliffs, NJ Prentice-Hall.Graen, G. B., & Scandura, T A. (1987). Toward a psychology of dyadic organizing. In L. L Cummings & B. M. Shaw (Eds.), Research in organizational behavior (pp. 175-208). Greenwich, CT JAI Press.Graen, G. B., & Uhl-Bien, M. (1995). Relationship-based approach to leadership Development of leader-member exchange (LMX) theory of leadership over 25 years Applying a multi-level multi-domain perspective. Leadership Quarterly, 6(2), 219-247.Kilduff, M. (1990). The interpersonal complex body part of decision making A social comparison approach to organizational choice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 47(2), 270288.Kouzes, James M. and Posner, Barry Z. (1987). The Leadership Challenge (San Francisco Jossey-Bass).Krackhardt, D., & Kilduff, M. (1990). Friendship patterns and culture The control of organizational diversity. American Anthropologist, 92(1), 142-154.Krackhardt, D., & Porter, L. W. (1985). When friends leave A structural analysis of the relationship between turnover and stayers attitudes. A dministrative Science Quarterly, 30, 242-261.Liden, R. C., & Graen, G. (1980). Generalizability of the vertical dyad linkage model of leadership. Academy of Management Journal, 23, 451-465.Nelson, R. E. (1989). The strength of strong ties Social networks and intergroup conflict in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 32(2), 377-401.Vecchio, R. P., & Gobdel, B. C. (1984). The vertical dyad linkage model of leadership Problems and prospects. Organizational Behavior and Human Performance, 34, 5-20.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Dona Perfecta Essay
Dona Perfecta, written by B. Perez Galdos, is a novel that explores the conflict between the new progressive military campaign and the sure-enough(a) religious school of thought. This conflict takes place in the sm entirely Spanish village of Orbajosa. Narrow-minded Catholic zealots dominate Orbajosa. The most prominent of the zealots is Dona Perfecta. Dona is traditional Catholic and strives to fight any opposition to her fixed beliefs. Pepe Rey, her nephew, presents the biggest challenge to Dona because he is an engineer who relies on scientific fact rather than religious faith.Dona feels as though Pepe is challenging her and the towns livelihood. This belief leads Dona to not wholly turn the town against Pepe, but also to have him killed. Donas Catholic belief system is only a facade to her evil nature. The town of Orbajosa is presented to be a small yet inviting town. Pepe is welcomed to the town warmly and happily. Dona is the first to greet Pepe when the narrator states, th e sincere expression of her affection, was receiving him at the entrance itself in her loving arms (23). Dona appears to be a very loving and hospitable character.She also surprises Pepe with her lengthy preparations to his room when the narrator states, Pepe recognized in all the details of the room the diligent and loving hand of the woman (24). Dona has proven that she is capable of being kind and loving towards those who pose no threat to her lifestyle. However, it is only when Pepe denounces religion that Dona feels threatened and begins to revel her evil nature. When Pepe and the town canon, Don Inocencio, meet, the men clash with their ideals. Both are intelligent and therefore, are stubborn.Pepe reveals to Don Inocencio that erudition is more valid than religion when he states, Mysticism in religion, routine in science, mannerism in art, are failing, as the Pagan gods fell (36). Pepe expresses his opinions about science and religion without any hesitation. Don Incencio an d the towns people of Orbajosa feel that Pepe is resolutely against their beliefs. Increasing animosity is the result of Pepes progressive mind-set. Dona feels as though Pepe is a indebtedness to the towns way of life and the only way to get rid of the problem is to exterminate it completely.Dona is desperate to get rid of Pepe. She knows that Pepe poses the possibly to clog up the towns ideals with his progressive philosophy. Dona decides that the town must turn against Pepe. Dona accuses Pepe of being disrespectful in the church when she states, between thinking things and showing them in that irreverent manner, there is a distance which a man of good sense and good breeding should never cross (56). Dona feels the need to make baseless accusations about Pepe in separate to sway the public opinion against Pepe.Pepe himself recognizes the absurdity of Donas accusation when he states, I have shown no contempt for any one, nor do I shelter the ideas which you attribute to me (57). Pepe is troubled by the idea that his own aunt would accuse him of such trivial acts. Pepe knows that his progressive ideals are threatening to the town and are creating suspicion between him and Orbajosa. Dona knows that the only way to truly get rid of Pepe is to kill him. Dona is consumed with the idea that the town of Orbajosa is transitioning from a traditional mindset to a progressive mindset.In reaction, Dona orders the killing of Pepe. She then lies about the killing saying that Pepe committed suicide when she states, Pepe Rey at about twelve oclock last night entered the tend of the house and shot himself in the right temple (218). Dona manufactured this lie in order to cover up her evil action. Dona resorted to extreme and evil measures in order to preserve her way of thought. Her name Dona Perfecta is ironic in the sense that Dona is far from perfect because she is evil.The injustice that Dona commits revels not only the true hypocritical nature of Dona but also the hyp ocritical nature of Orbajosa as a whole. Dona Perfecta uses the conflict between Pepe and Dona to show the strong opposition the progressive movement faces. While Pepe was welcomed at first, he was soon ostracized and persecuted for his thoughts. The towns people of Orbajosa felt Pepe might threaten their way of life. Extreme measures were taken by Dona to put Pepe to rest. Perhaps Galdos intends the indorser to see that while people may appear to be good, in reality, they are not what they seem.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Major Political Parties in the United States
Today, the politics of the United States disposal is controlled by two plethoric governmental parties the Republican Party and the Democratic Party. These two political parties dominated US politics from 1860 to the present. This is non to say that the US electoral system does not allow the existence of a multiple ships company system. It should be noted that the development of a two-party system in the United States was due maybe to the relative contradiction of ideology and platforms of government between these two parties.US voters historically perceived this difference as necessary because of the need to maximize the saliency of political choice. When one set of policies failed, the voters had the option of voting the policies of the other party. This is called polarization. Hence, an understanding of the ideology of each political party is needed. In 1854, anti-slavery politicians met at Ripon, Wisconsin to form the Republican Party. after(prenominal) a year, the party gr ew rapidly displacing the Whig Party as the primary opposition party to the Democratic Party.In 1859, it nominated Abraham Lincoln as president in the 1860 election. afterwards the election of Abraham Lincoln, the party became a symbol of anti-slavery, and after the war, the period of Reconstruction. Early Republicans advocated the slogan free labor, free land, and free men. The Republican Party believed that class mobility is an of the essence(p) factor in economic development. According to Republican ideology, individuals have the right to determine their economic status, given economic circumstances. The party also advocated a comprehensive redistribution of land.Early Republicans believed that giving away government-owned land would rapidly end slavery. From 1859 to 1865, the party was actively anti-slavery in the Western territories as a means to give the intentions of the Confederacy. After the complaisant War, the party changed some of its political beliefs. It support ed big businesses, the annexation of Hawaii, and generous pensions for Union veterans. With the rapid growth of the transportation and manufacturing sectors, the party advocated the implementation of a nationwide subsidy political program and the imposition of higher tariffs on foreign goods.Today, the party advocates a Keynesian approach to economic development, emphasizing the need for the government to fructify its expenditures based on growth patterns. The party also supports lowering both the optimal tax rates and the general tariff rates as a means to boost the economy. Social welf atomic number 18 is deemphasized in present Republican ideology. The origin of the Democratic Party can be traced back to the party founded by Jefferson, Madison, and other politicians opposing the Federalists.The modern Democratic Party, however, was founded with the election of Andrew Jackson to the presidency. From 1860 to 1920, the party positioned itself to the left of the Republican Party o n a number of economic, political, and social issues. The election of Woodrow Wilson revived the influence of the party in policy-making, after 30 years of political hibernation. In 1932, Franklin Roosevelt was elected president of the United States. His New Deal program increased the political base of the party, and became the economic framework of the US government until the 1970s.The ideology of the Democratic Party differs from that of the Republican Party in three respects. First, the party advocates social liberalism, emphasizing the institutionalization of affirmative action and social freedom. Second, the party believes in a free-enterprise system regulated by government intervention. Third, the party believes that the government should play a role in alleviating poverty and the use of progressive taxation. Democratic ideology asserts that economic development is assume to be a bureau of social progress. I learned that both the federal and state governments are governed by a system of checks and balances. The government is divided into three branches which are assumed to be equal in integrity and power. Both in federal and state governments, the legislatures act as the lawmaking body. The executive branch of government approves or vetoes legislations approved by Congress. The legislative branch approves the budget, reserves the right to declare war, and examines the operations of the government through committee hearings and investigations.These powers act as a check to the actions of the executive branch. The judicial branch of government reserves the power to examine the constitutionality of statutes passed by Congress. This is called power of judicial review. This power acts as a check to the legislative branch. It can also make recommendations to the federal government on issues of legality/constitutionality of specific government actions/policies. The members of the judicial branch are appointed by the president, with the unison of Congress.Th is serves as a check to the power of the judicial branch. Comments Regarding the Instructor, the Course, and Class Requirements The instructor is very efficient in giving information ab aside the American government, pointing out salient issues and problems. The course is a good starting point towards a more deep and critical understanding of the history of the US government. Class requirements are by no means heavy. Much of the class requirements reflect the learning experience necessary for a full understanding of US politics and governance.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
Consuming Salt Assignment
Salt is made up of 40 percent sodium and 60 percent of chloride, is a very important part of daily lives as it helps maintain your bloods water content, balances acids and bases in your blood, and it helps in the movement of galvanizing charges which are in your nerves throughout your muscles. A human being should consume about 2400 mg of common salt daily. On average, humans hunt to go over the recommended amount. The food indus sample adds 75 percent of the sodium that we humans consume. The following additives resemble plenty of sodium color developer, which assists in the colour education in meats.Fermentation controller, which does the organic check in cheeses and baked goods. Binder, which helps to hold the meat together when being cooked. Texture aid, allows dough to expand and prevents from tearing apart. Salt is a part of the food processing. Only way to reduce your intake on dietary salt is to purchase low salt bear on foods and switch from processed foods to fresh foo ds. Look for sodium free, very low sodium, reduced sodium or unsalted terms on the food labels of the food your purchase. You could also try avoiding food items which contain more than 180 milligrams of sodium. some other strategy to avoid dietary salt intake is look out for these food products. Example, bacon, cheese, skunkned vegetables, anchovies, cooking sauces, gravy, salad dressings, calorific dogs, ham, sea salt, soy sauce etc. These edibles contain high amounts of sodium in them and humans should try avoiding them as much as possible. However, manufacturers have tend to lower the amount of sodium inside these edibles, so there is a possibility of finding these food products in low salt form. Al slipway suck sure to check the food label when buying any food product so that way you are aware of what you are consuming.There is also another(prenominal) way to approach food when it comes down to lowering your salt intake. For instance, you could go on a low sodium diet. Instea d of avoiding high sodium foods you can make few adjustments. You could cook herbs, spices, fruit juices, and vinegars for flavour rather than salt. Eat fresh vegetables, use less salt than the recipe calls for, and choose low salt frozen dinners. When eating outside, ask for your food to be prepared with only a little salt. There are five unique and healthy ways alternatives to salt.It is important to know how much salt youre consuming because consuming too much could lead to high blood pressure and other grievous health issues. Sesame is an alternative to salt and it could be added in your food because of the taste standardizedity to salt. It is a natural product and could be used on your bread, salad, chicken and vegetables. You should choose sesame over salt because it is made naturally and it adds a lot of flavour to your food without having to worry about the health risks. Another alternative is garlic.This is very beneficial to your health and is said to be an antioxidant if eaten in small amounts and can help get rid of colds and congestion. It is mostly added to chicken, salad, bread, and fish to bewilder good flavour. It is also good for your heart and body. It is recommended that you pick fresh garlic over the powder form because the health benefits are stronger in the fresh garlic. cumin is also a very beneficial alternative to salt because it resembles a lot of properties of antioxidants and it helps maintain a healthier immune system. Cumin has a similar taste to salt but the smell and the texture are very much different.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Design of Carburetors for Aircraft Application
IntroductionA carburetor is a constituent or device which largely used on reciprocating or plunger engine. They be an of import device which mixed or blends displace and air for an internal animated of the engine. Internal burning engine refers to an engine in which burning is intermittent such as the more familiar four and two stroke Piston engines along with the discrepancies such as six stroke Piston engine.Carburetors are classified as updraft or downdraft appearing on the way of the air ascend through and through the device. Most carburetors are the updraft type. All carburetors meter elicit and atomise it into the air to do a combustible mixture. In theory, the fuel/air mixture devising each cylinder is indistinguishable in peck and ingestion. In world, both the volume and composing vary because the different distances travelled through the initiation tangled and ram per social unit areas exerted by the fumes system.Aircraft APPLICATIONSNew category of jobs for bot h engine and carburetor interior decorators created during the first aircraft engines, outside of those surface-bound vehicles. The headway complications were the deficiencies of apprehension of the temperature, force per unit area, air denseness, humidness, in add-on the velocity that these influence alterations while in flight. During 1918, the Bureau of Standards for the National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics accomplished a series of engine public presentation trials. The intent was to find the fluctuation in atmospheric force per unit area and temperature at assorted highs above the solid grounds surface, with the alterations in public presentation ensuing from the variables within the carburetor itself and particular orientation to the variables impacting the operation of the carburetor. The study, published as Technical Report no. 48 in the NACA Fourth Annual Report, titled Carburetting Conditions Characteristics of Aircraft Engines, by Percival S. Tice. This work res ulted in the undermentioned illationsThe mixture ratio ( air/fuel ratio ) should be changeless at all heights for maximal power at all degrees.A alteration in fuel viscousness due to temperature alteration may be an of import metering feature of the carburetor.Constantly, there is wasted fuel when the carburetor does non rectify for barometric alterations.Heating of the fuelair mixture causes a power injury accompanied by an addition in the detail fuel ingestion, with the available fuels.A 2nd probe made by the Bureau of Standards between October 1919, and May 1923, describe in the tenth NACA Annual Report of 1924 as Technical Report No. 189, Relation of Fuelair Ratio on Engine Performance, by Stanwood W. Sparrow, replies to the undermentioned inquiriesWhat fuelair ratio gives maximal power?Does a alteration in air force per unit area or temperature, such as those encountered in flight, impact the value of this ratio appreciably?What per centum of its maximal power does an engin e develop when supplied with a mixture giving minimal specific fuel ingestion?The study concluded thatWith gasolene as the fuel, fuelair mixtures from 0.07 to 0.08 lbs fuel per pound. of air consequences in maximal power.Maximal power is obtained when about the alike(p) ratio is obtained over the scope of air force per unit areas and temperatures encountered in flight.Decreasing the fuel content of the charge until the power is 95 % of its maximal value provides the beat out specific fuel ingestion.PrincipleThe carburetor works on Bernoulli s rule which is the faster the air moves, the inactive force per unit area will be lower while the dynamic force per unit area will be higher. The torpedo or gas pedal linkage does non command the arise of liquid fuel straight. As an option, they really actuates the carburetor mechanisms which will meter the stream of the air as they were being pulled into the engine. Once carburetors are used on aircraft with reciprocating engines, characte ristics and particular designs are required to forestall from fuel famishment during an upside-down flight.Most manufactured carburetted as opposed to fuel-injected engines have a similar purpose manifold that transports and divides the fuel and air mixture to the consumption valves and a individual carburetor.Older engines used updraft carburetors, where the air enters from below the carburetor and exits through the top of the carburetor. This gives rather a good advantage of neer deluging the engine, as any fuel droplets would fall out of the carburetors alternatively of into the consumption manifold it besides lent itself to utilize of an oil bath air cleansing agent, where a pool of oil below a conflict component below the carburetor is sucked up into the mesh and the air is drawn through the oil-covered mesh this was an effectual system in a clip when paper air filters did non be.Get downing in the novel 1930s, downdraft carburetors were the most popular type for autom otive usage in the United States. In Europe, the side bill of exchange carburetors replaced downdraft as free infinite in the engine bay decreased and the usage of the SU-type carburetor ( and similar units from other makers ) increased. Some little propeller-driven aircraft engines still use the updraft carburetor design.Outboard motor carburetors are typically side bill of exchange, because they must be stacked one on top of the other in order to feed the cylinders in a vertically oriented cylinder block.The chief disadvantage of establishing a carburettors operation on Bernoulli s Principle is that, being a unstable dynamic device, the force per unit area decrease in a Venturi tends to be relative to the square of the consumption air velocity. The fuel jets are oft smaller and limited chiefly by viscousness, so that the fuel flow tends to be relative to the force per unit area difference. So jets size of itd for enough power tend to hunger the engine at lower velocity and po rtion accelerator. Most normally this has been corrected by utilizing multiple jets. In SU and other movable jet carburetors, it was corrected by changing the jet size. For cold starting, a different rule was used in multi-jet carburetors. A flow resisting valve called a choking coil, similar to the accelerator valve, was placed upstream of the chief jet to cut down the consumption force per unit area and suck wasted fuel out of the jets.CarburetorCarburetors are classified as updraft or downdraft depending on the way air flows through the device. Most carburetors are the updraft type. All carburetors meter fuel and atomise it into the air to do a combustible mixture. In theory, the fuel/air mixture making each cylinder is indistinguishable in volume and composing. In world, both the volume and composing vary because of the different distances travelled through the initiation manifold and force per unit areas exerted by the fumes system.Principles OF CARBURETTORS VENTURIAll carbure tors depend on the differential force per unit area created by a Venturi to meter the proper sum of fuel for a volume of air. When air flows through a Venturi, its velocity additions while both force per unit area and temperature lessening. To command the volume of air that passes through a Venturi, all carburetors are outfit with a enclose valve. The throttle valve ( or butterfly valve ) is a pilot-controllable restrictor home base installed between the Venturi and the engine. When the accelerator valve is to the full opened ( parallel to the air flow ) , the maximal volume of air and fuel enter the engine. In this instance, the lone constituent that limits the volume of air come ining the engine is the Venturi. However, as the accelerator valve is locomote to its closed place ( perpendicular to the air flow ) less air is admitted and engine power is trim back. The size and form of the Venturi is designed for the demands of the engine. Carburetors on similar engines big busine ssman look to be indistinguishable, but the size of the Venturi could be different. Always guarantee that you are put ining the justly device on an engine.Figure 1 shows when the accelerator valve is parallel to the air flow, the maximal volume of air and fuel enters the engine. When the accelerator valve is near perpendicular to the air flow, less air and fuel enter the engine.THE SYSTEMS OF CARBURETTORTo fork up an engine with the necessary fuel for proper operation under assorted engine tonss, velocities, and air densenesss, most carburetors include the undermentioned five systemsMain meteringIdlingMixture controlAcceleratingPower enrichment or economiserThe building and rule of operation of each of these systems varies depending on the type of carburetor. The undermentioned subjects describe each system in relation to its usage in float-type and pressure-injection carburetors. The size and form of the Venturi is designed for the demands of the engine. Carburetors on similar en gines might look to be indistinguishable, but the size of the Venturi could be different. Always guarantee that you are put ining the right device on an engine.THE FLOAT-TYPE CARBURETORSThe float-type carburetor is named after the constituent used to modulate the fuel that enters the carburetor. Fuel is stored in a float chamber, the sum controlled by a float-operated needle valve installed in the fuel recess. As fuel enters the chamber, the float rises and the needle valve begins to shut. After the fuel reaches an established degree, the place of the float wholly closes the needle valve and the flow of fuel Michigans.The carburetor float is typically constructed of brass or a compound stuff. Brass floats are hollow, and the air sealed indoors provides perkiness. A composite float can be hollow or solid. When the float solid, air trapped in the pores of the composite stuff provides perkiness.As the volume of fuel alterations in a float chamber, the volume of air besides changes. A blowhole maintains ambient force per unit area in the float chamber as the fuel degree rises and falls. All float Chamberss are vented to ambient force per unit area.In foreshadow 2, the float carburetors store a round of fuel in a float chamber. The sum of fuel in the float chamber is controlled by a float-actuated needle valve.Figure 3The figure 3 above visualize of the Float Level, Main Metering Jet and Discharge Nozzle. Please be reminded that the fuel degree in the fuel axial rotation is evenhandedly below the fuel carry out nozzle infract and is identified by the missive h .THE BASIC AIRCRAFT FUEL SYSTEMThe fuel circuit includes the parts and squall necessary to present fuel to the carburetor fuel recess, at the proper force per unit area and volume. The fuel admitted through the float-type carburetor recess valve is reduced to atmospheric force per unit area as the fuel bowl blowhole to the air recess canal.Figure 4As the fuel bowl fills, the float rises with the fuel degree until the fuel degree in the fuel bowl is somewhat below the degree of the discharge nose and one period at the right degree, the float is high mussiness to shut the recess valve, halting fuel flow into the carburetor at a precise tallness. This prevents fuel leaks into the consumption manifold when the engine is non running. Fuel can non come in the consumption system unless consumption manifold suction is sufficiently strong plenty to raise the fuel up to the tallness of the discharge nozzle gaps. On its manner to the discharge nose, extra jets control the rate of fuel flow and force per unit area, as necessary. The bead in fuel force per unit area through the recess valve classifies the valve as a jet.MAIN METERING OF FLOAT TYPE CARBURETTORThe chief metering system supplies the engine with the right sum of fuel for all velocities above idle. The system consists of one or more venturi tubings, the chief metering jet and discharge noses, and the throttle valve.Fuel meterin g begins at the Venturi. In some carburetors, a individual Venturi is deficient to make an equal force per unit area bead to meter fuel. In this instance, a encouragement Venturi is installed frontward of the primary Venturi.The discharge nozzle delivers fuel from the float chamber to the consumption air. For an engine at remainder, the fuel in the discharge nose is even with the degree in the float chamber. In most instances, the fuel degree is about 1/8 inch below the gap of the discharge nose. This distance is referred to as the fuel metering caput and is designed to forestall fuel from leaking from the carburetor when the engine is non runing.1
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Pit-Bull Case
Legislation everyplace the long-standing debate regarding the recourse of housing strike out shits continues between pro Pit- son of a bitch advocates and those fearing for their safety throughout Canada. Today, the issue of housing large, potenti ally unsafe chinks in the city has reached pivotal concern. A course of action is necessary. The level of concern surrounding Pit Bulls is greater than the concern over other dangerous domesticated dogs. There argon, however, people who enjoy having Pit Bulls as pets. Pit Bull owners constitute a smaller percentage of people in comparison to those with concern over a Pit Bulls safety.It comes down to pure fear over these life-threatening dogs. Yes, the anti-Pit Bull contingency has a voice, and with justifiable concern. Evaluation is in order regarding the pros and cons surrounding this issue. This position paper result clearly show that all breeds of Pit Bulls should not be housed in cities throughout Canada. There are mevery breeds of Pit Bullsall of which can be threatening. The various breeds of other dangerous domesticated dogs are even larger. Lawyer Clayton Ruby argues the legislation.He sites the following since 1983 there were 23 dog attacks in Canada that led to fatality. Of these 23 attacks, only unmatchable involved a Pit Bull. Thus, according to Mr. Ruby, legislation needs to be written governing all dangerous dogs, and not just Pit Bulls. The tap here, however, will be focused on developing legislation that will make it illegal to own a Pit Bull if you reside in a major city in Canadas surrounding Provinces. First, we must consider the levels of all dog aggression in comparison to Pit Bulls aggression.The least(prenominal) dangerous level is called the submissive level. It includes dogs that display very little signs of aggression. Dogs of this nature tend to roll over when challenged and they will not respond with aggression. No Pit-Bull, heedless of breed, meets these criteria. The next level of dog aggression is known as the generic level. This level of dog aggression only demonstrates hostility if another angered dog approaches it. At this level, if attacked, a generic dog will respond with just enough tenacity to repel the instigating dog from its assault.Again, there isnt a wholeness Pit Bull that is calm enough to match this non-threatening level. The next level of aggression meets the characteristics of a Pit Bull Terrier. This Pit Bull, labeled a happy-normal-Pit-Bull-Terrier, is a dog that only displays aggression when challenged. This dog will respond aggressively. The only way to separate an aggressive Pit Bull Terrier is by using a break-stick level of restraint. These restraining traits must be learned from trained specialists. Here in lies our first red flag.If even the most receptive breed of Pit Bull has a tendency for hostility, it is not feasible to consider Pit Bulls as an environmentally-safe pet, especially in the confines of a city. Pit Bulls at th eir most pliable level will always attempt to make friends with new dogs. This unreserved level of sociability in a Pit Bull can be the catalyst that leads to aggressiveness and fighting, or even death. When we add a Pit Bull that lives in a crowded city, the situation becomes grave and the opportunity for an unfortunate person incident increases.Its important to point out that even the friendliest Pit Bull will not tolerate aggressive behavior. If, for example, a Pit Bull is led through a small city park where people take dogs and children to play, there is a greater chance for altercation. Even if leash-restrained Pit Bulls are led through a city, the opportunity for an unfortunate en snack bar, on any given sidewalk might occur. Dogs, by nature, tend to gravitate toward one another. This remarkable sniffing can lead to danger if a Pit Bull is involved. The next level of Pit Bill is known as the average Pit Bull.These dogs will exhibit aggression toward strange dogs of the same sex while acting cautious around dogs of the opposite sex. If an average Pit Bull is challenged, they will counter with aggression. Physical intervention is necessary to separate a fight. Lastly, we come to the dog-aggressive-Pit-Bull. Pits at this level can live with other dogs but will attack any strange dogs (strange refers to any dog unfamiliar to a Pit Bull). Again, the only means of alleviating aggressive encounters between dogs at this level of aggression is by forcible intervention. The fights can be very serious.There are a large number of variables that can occur to a Pit Bull in a city that would lead to aggression. Sometimes it only takes curiosity from neighboring dogs or young children to initiate a Pit Bulls innate horse sense for violent tendencies. Legislation that does not allow city-dwellers to own a Pit Bull needs to pass. So many people live together in tight quarters in Canadian cities. This makes it an unsafe region for Pit Bulls. This legislation must come to action before another person or animal is maimed or killed by these instinctively dangerous dogs.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Internal Control and Risk Evaluation
A put on the line is the relegate of a negative event occurring. Internal controls are policies and procedures set in place to reduce the accompaniment of an associated risk. risk of infections are never entirely eliminated however, innate controls suffice reduce the occurrence and balance the risk. This brief forget discuss the risks of Kudler Fine Foods current Accounting Information System (AIS). In addition, the internal controls designed to mitigate the risks. Furthermore, this brief evaluates the internal controls for the AIS.Last, this brief addresses early(a) controls, outside of the AIS that Kudlers may use up. position Risks According to Hunton, Bryant, and Bagranoff (2004), agate line enterprises face a variety of risks, including business, audit, security, and continuity risks. Business risk means the alliance may not achieve its goals and objectives. A review of Kudlers strategic plan will help determine the business risk. The adoption of the new Just-In-Tim e (JIT) inventory system would be an IT timing risk. An IT timing risk is an example of an internal business risk that Kudler would face.An audit risk is the likelihood that Kudlers external hearer would make a mistake in his or her opinion of the financial statements. Audit risks are rugged down further into inherent, control, and detection risks. Every business has inherent risk because doing business is risky in itself. Control risks are the likelihood the internal controls the comp either has in place would not prevent a material error. Detection risks are the likelihood the audit procedure would not detect material errors. certification risks involve data access and integrity. The AIS converts raw data into useful information.To ensure the data integrity, Kudler will get hold of to control the risks associated with collecting and processing the data. By implementing the JIT inventory system and point of sale system, data is elegant as soon as something purchased from the s tores. This mitigates human error under the old system. Continuity risks are associated with the AIS availability, backup, and recovery. Kudlers will fate to implement stronger firewalls and larger servers. This will ensure when Kudlers does business online, customers will be able to access the website at any given time.Any down time of the website would be say-so loss of business. Internal Controls Management must design and implement the internal controls. However, this is just two steps of the control process. Management must evaluate the controls for forte. Kudlers size would not necessitate an internal meeter however, an external auditor would be beneficial in testing the effectiveness of the controls. In addition, Kudlers would need to document policies and procedures to establish an audit trail. According to Bagranoff, Simkin, and Strand, (2008, p. 50-251), these documents should include 1. A chart of accounts (with the purpose of each familiar ledger account) 2. A comp lete description of source documents individuals must use to record accounting proceeding 3. A comprehensive description of the authority and responsibility assigned to each individual Controls Outside the AIS Kudler faces other external threats as well. These threats can be reduced by securing the AIS with firewalls, anti-virus, anti-spam, and other anti-spyware software. This will deter any potential hacker from accessing confidential information.Whereas, the software will not completely eliminate the risks involved with doing business over the Internet or remotely from each store, the risks will be greatly reduced. Conclusion Risk assessment and internal controls are vital to Kudlers continued success. Kudler will need to monitor the effectiveness of the internal controls once the new JIT inventory system is in place. In addition, management will need to assess the risks associated with expanding business. However, these risks are balanced out by the expected increase in business proceeding to ensure Kudlers lasting success.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Of Mice and Men Novel Essay
The novel was set in California in 1937, on a barley farm. The book is ab come in 2 guys named George and Lennie. They are 2 friends who travels a set on together exit from workplace to work place, put oning at that place keep. To achieve a reverie a dream of featureing thither own piece of land to do whatever they want. There are alot of characters that are lonely in this novel. candy is one, he is the oldest worker on the farm, and with being a pensioner he is also disabled, tho not bye mental, alone only has one hand. I regard this is why people on the spreadhead dont really want to agnise him. Hes old and one-handed. Krooks is an another(prenominal)(prenominal) lonely individual on the ranch, hes also one of a kind in the book. Hes the only black person there. Back then it was extremely common for there to be racism, so the fact that a negro was on the ranch made it incredibly challenging for him.Curleys wife is another example of one of a kind on the ranch, she is t he only adult female on the ranch. Her husband curly is full of himself, and is al instructions looking for a fight. So in swan to speak to Curleys wife, is near asking for trouble. This doesnt help her, because at first people simply think shes a slapper whose move to get the guys at the ranch in trouble. but she really cant help feeling lonely and wanting a conversation with a kind being now and then. Feisty ringleted is truly strict everywhere her and almost has her imprisoned. A focal point Steinbeck has done this is because you dont even get it on her name. the fact that no one wants to get to know her, or just the fact she is kept away from society we dont even know her name.George and Lennie are two guys who are travelling around together, working around wherever they can to earn some money.George is the smaller of the two but the one with the brains. Lennie on the other hand is a sizable strong lump. The classic type of couple to go travelling around. Lennie isnt just all masher force, he is actually very affectionate he wants low-key animals that he can pet. He doesnt quite understand his own power, as you will find out later. George takes care of Lennie through there travels, because Lennie wouldnt survive by himself. Even though Lennie is a burden on George, he doesnt just leave Lennie because he knows that hed be nothing without him. Lennie does respect George though manage an older brother or parent, he will listen to everything George says and do it. further everyone else he couldnt give a damnAfter a discussion Lennie and George were having about there dream place, George announces to Lennie he knows somewhere deal theyve always talked about. Candy over hears as he is still in the way. straightway Candy is an old swamper, who spends his time sweeping. He doesnt want to live the rest of his career like this. He interrupts there conversation, to give George a proposition of helping them out with the land. He offered a capaciou s sum of money towards it. Maybe he was also buying himself into a relationship. He also offers to cause clean and other various chores around the place. After he offers the money they cant stretch out the offer or there dream would stay a dream forever. But I think they knew they could trust Candy as he hasnt got anything to live for or in any way betray the two.Crooks is the only nigger in this story. I think Steinbeck gave a sense that even if you didnt read the description of crooks you would know he was different somehow. He isnt allowed to play cards with the other guys in the bunkhouse, hes not even aloud in the bunkhouse. He has his own room out in the stables, its kind off like theyve just said, now hes out with the other animals. Just because he is a different colour, they just look down on him, like he is an animal. This shows the extent of the racism. But in one way this is the one thing, crook is aloud to have, that is his own personal space. I think the others respec t this as they know if they want to come in, then they regard his permission first. He is very sour towards white people, as what they have pout him and his family through for generations. So he is very bitter against racists, and white people in general.When Lennie is in the barn, after his pup died, via the over petting from Lennie. Curlys wife enters the scene. They sit and talk, at first Lennie wants to obey Georges orders, but she convinces him to settle down. I think Steinbeck made this scene more than just to put an end to Curlys wife. I think its also to bring the two most lonely people on the ranch together.All the men are outside horseshoeing, apart from Lennie. And Curlys wife just expelled from everyone as per usual. So after talking, they seem to have made friends. When lennie talks about his love of animals and soft things, she says he can touch her hair, because its soft. But now after Lennie touches her hair it has flipped the story right round to the beginning. Len nie not understanding the delicate female emotions. After stroking her hair for abit, she asks him to stop.But Lennie cant resist, and just has to keep stroking her. After this she thinks shes being attacked or assaulted. She gets very panicky, and starts screaming. This gets George very illogical and scared. In shock he pleas for her to stop, with his hands around her mouth. This just gets her even more scared and she keeps going. Lennie not knowing what to do, gets angry that shes not listening to him and violently shakes her. Resulting in her breaking her neck. After he realises what hes done. He remembers what George told him, and runs away to the riverside where he was told to go if he caused trouble.Now after everyone had found out Curleys wife was dead George and curly knew there dream was shattered. Theres nothing they could do to save Lennie from a fait ending only with death. Candy seems very thoughtless and selfish, when he asks George George can we still do it? But I th ink hes just trying to keep his dream alive for a little more. He really needed an outlet from the life he is leading at this time. George must have been quite offended, especially how close he was to Lennie. But they both must have been annoyed. Theyve both just had there dream shattered in a moment. I think Candy wanted to keep it alive just for a little longer.
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Banana Peel as Shoe Polish Essay
INTRODUCTION slip smooth surface is a reaping utilize to shine, polish, and protect lash footwear. Polishing clothes will make up their life span. In present beats, e genuinelybody al delegacys use brake app arel polishers for their raiments to look presentable and mythological to walk with attractive thus boosting more confidence to its beholder. But no everyone knows that traditionalistic shoe polish which ar open in market made of harmful chemical and synthetical ingredients which has a seriously door. Since it uses petroleum as its basis it is as well as flammable which makes it dangerous to human health and puritythorn cause any(prenominal) hazards alike(p) fires. The banana tree tree pillage is known for its antifungal and antibiotic properties. The peel is in any case loaded with a lot of Vitamins, minerals and fiber Many articles and pamphlets say that banana peel is even efficient in shining and smoothening surfaces like shoes made up of leather.There be galore(postnominal) advocacies promoting environment preservation and restoration. This may help in these advocacies. Because the main ingredient was in force(p) banana peel so that will lessen the net incomeoff of biodegradable garbage.And also,the increase will salute lesser than those of commercial because altogether the tools and some additives are need to be bought, so we brush aside assume convenience to those who will obtain our convergence. It may also talk the old tradition of just throwing banana peel instead they behind collect it and donate for us to transform it into a more useful and effective product which drop dead to be the banana floor polisher.Main ProblemHow feasible is the production of Shinana in terms of falsifyment, operation, technical, and socio- frugal grammatical constructions?Specific all toldy, this device will answer the following questions1. Management Aspectsa) What is the name of the telephoner?b) What is the Vision?c) What is the Mssion?d) What form of proprietorship is employ?e) What are the advantages of that form of craft?f) What are the organizational policies or procedures?2. Marketing Aspectsa) What is the product description?b) Who are the target markets?c) How will the product be priced?d) How much is the expected return of investment?e) Are on that point freebies or discounts offered?f) Who are the vexation adversarys?g) What marketing strategies are applicable?h) What are the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats?3. Operational & Technical Aspectsa) What are the uses/ functions/descriptions of the natural or equipment? b) What are the steps in coming up with the product?4. Socio-Economic Aspectsa) How kindle the product help the batch?b) How lav it help the society?c) How will the g everywherenment be benefited?CHAPTER 2 concern ASPECTThis chapter deals with the five different sole(prenominal) ift againstes of prudence which are planning,organizing,staffing, directing, and controlling. Shinana, a word combination of the first triplet letters of the word SHINE and the last four letters of the word BANANA, was chosen as the confederacy name because obviously, the name itself signifies Making things shine done banana.As envisioned by the entrepreneur, Shinana, a product for shoe beautification will make everyones shoes shine with the natural shoe-shining quality banana peelings possess.The entrepreneur had get hold up with product because she had been exposed to Science Congress/Exhibits during her highschool days in UNIDA Christian Colleges.The tell events shows the schools students impressive innovative products, discovery, and research studies. Luckily, the entrepreneur had the chance to be one of the participants of the verbalize Congress.Banana peel as shoe shine concept emerged from the said event. Since banana peelings are only thrown-out later its fruit has been taken off,our guild thougths that we can help the society through abolis hing the traditional manner of disposing its peelings and process it to a more usefulform which is SHINANA.VISIONThe leading supplier in shoe beautification intentness in the Philippines acknowledge for the creation of innovative shoe shine products that complements non only consumer needs and wants but also the environments needfor careful preservation and apology.MISSIONOur enterprise shall provide efficient, eco-friendly, and quality shoe shine products locally through efficient use and systematic production of shoe shine products with banana peelings as its main raw material.FORM OF OWNERSHIPShinana is a sole proprietorship form of business. The possessor is A-Zmyn T. Honrado.Once it makes name in the industry, it can expand its product line(will be able to offer variety of shoeshine products ),can ready new products like floor wax, sprays,disinfectants,varnish,colored wax polish made from banana peelings and new(prenominal) organic materials.ADVANTAGES OF mend OWNERSHIPA dvantages of Sole Proprietor ground level of BusinessThe formation of sole proprietorship business is very easy and simple. The entrepreneur owns all and risks all. The entire profit goes to his pocket. This motivates the proprietor to put his heart and soul in the business to earn more profit. Thus, the direct relationship between effort and reward motivates the entrepreneur to manage the business more efficiently and effectively. The entrepreneur takes all decisions affecting the business.This results in better control of the business and ultimately leads to efficiency. Thus, the entrepreneur as sole proprietor can arrive at quick decisions concerning the business by which he can take the advantage of any better opportunities. Each and every aspect of the business is looked after by the proprietor and the business secrets are known to him only.Thus, the maintenance of adequate cover leaves no scope to his competitors to be aware of the business secrets.The sole proprietorship bu siness is undertaken on a small scale. If any change is inevitable in businessoperations, it is easy and quick to bring the changes. The cost of formation of a sole proprietorship is the minimum because no cost is involved in its formation. The management of the business is also inexpensive as no specialists are normally appointed in unhomogeneous functional areas of the business. The dissolution of the sole proprietorship is also very easy. Since the proprietor is the supreme authority and no regulations are applicable for closure of the business he can dissolve his business any time he likes.ORGANIZATIONAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURESAll individuals pass a verification procedure, including the completion of an Employment Verification Form, before they are permitted to realize. Harassment in employment, including sexual, racial, and ethnic harassment, as well as any other harassment forbidden by law, is strictly proscribed by the familiarity The Company does not discriminate, and d oes not permit its employees to discriminate against other employees or applicants because of race,color,religion, sex, etc. Employees are prohibited from engaging in sack up logging or blogging during working time or while utiliseCompany-equipmentPeriodic evaluations may be made to determine your individual progress, training needs, and potential pay increases. Pay increases are not self-winding and depend on factors such as the employees demonstrated job proficiency and the Companys ability to pay. When present employees are qualified and as justified by our Company needs and growth, the Company offers as many a(prenominal) opportunities for promotions as possible. Plant/Office Personnel normally scheduled 8 hours per shift, 40 hours per week. Habitual or excessive absenteeism and tardiness cannot be tolerated. Employees are required to record their own time in and outEmployees shall clock in and out on time, but not earlier/later than 4 minutes before their scheduled starting work time . Safety is everybodys business encephalon egis Employees exposed to flying or go objects and/or electrical shock and burns shall be safeguarded by means of approved head protection. Eye and Face Protection Employees working in locations where affectionateness hazards due to flying particles, hazardous substances or injurious lightrays are inherent in the work or environment shall be safeguarded by and shall use employer-provided face or eye protection with sufficient screens or shields isolating the hazardous exposure shall safeguard nearby employees. The wearing of contact lens is prohibited in working environments having harmful exposure to materials or light flashes.Body Protection Body protection from hazardous or flying substances shall be provided by clothing appropriate for the work being done. get to Protection Gloves may be required for employees whose work exposes hands to hazardous substances, cuts or burns. Foot Protection Appropriate foot protection sh all be required for employees who are exposed to foot injuries from hot, corrosive, poisonous substances, falling objects, crushing or penetrating actions, which may cause injuries. Ear Protection Ear Protection essential be worn in Production areas.For safety reasons, smoking of tobacco products and drinking inebriant beverages is not permitted. Floors shall be kept clean and dry.Floors and platforms shall be kept free of projections, obstructions, holes and loose All control buttons and switches shall be properly identified as to their function and purpose. All shall Return tools and equipment to proper storage place after use. No jewelry, recollective hair or loose clothing is allowed around any machinery while direct. vigilance & PERSONNEL1.Marketing head/Sole ownera.Creates promotional strategy for the products demandability. b. Sees if the product meet the customers need.c.Formulates the raw material combination through extensive researches d.Sees if the connection is pro fitable or not using accounting principles2.Production Managera. Supervises all the production staffsb.Creates weekly reports to be submitted to the marketing head regarding the developments in production process. c.Schedules his/her subordinates break/meal time.d.Controls the quality of the entire product before proceeding to the packaging process.3.Production staffa. Scrapes the white part of banana peelb.Mixes all the ingredientsc.Operates on flexible squeezer equipment to pack the finished products.CHAPTER 3 selling ASPECTThis chapter involves understanding the target market,their likes and dislikes, the marketing strategies implemented and how the customers evaluated the product.PRODUCT DESCRIPTIONShinana is a product used to shine, polish, and protect leather footwear thereby extending its life. It comes in various forms, including wax, paste, cream, and liquid, and can be utilize in many different ways.TARGET MARKETSShinanas target markets are all who have leather shoes.B e it a professional,students,businesswoman/man,teacher, mother ,father, sister, brother.In short, everyone who wants to look presentable by polishing their shoes.FREEBIES AND DISCOUNTS10% Discount are available to those who will buy in boxes which contains 10 pcs of Shinana.Thus , from the original price of Php 50.00, the buyer can avail it for only Php45.00 instead.The buyer can save Php 5.00 each box. Similarly, those who will buy 1000 pcs, can save up to Php 500.00.From the original price of Php 5000.00, buyers can avail it for only Php4500.00.BUSINESS COMPETITORSObviously, the number and only one competitor is KIWI, possess by Sara Lee.Prior to the presentment of the Companys Product Shinana.KIWI monopolized the shoe beautification industry.Since Kiwi have been operating for more than century. They run print advertisements in a variety of national magazines. The Kiwi ads are printed in bright red, matching the color in the background of the brands logo. The Kiwi campaign is r acecourse in magazines like Black Enterprise, Car andDriver, Cargo, Ebony, Esquire, Mens Fitness, National Geographic etc..Most of the new product launches of Kiwi was in line with the changing consumer preferences.MARKETING STRATEGIESIn order for Shinana to be known to the public, the company will run printed advertisements such as flyers, posters.The company will also make online pages on websites like Facebook, Twitter,and Multiply that will entertain prospect/future customers inquiry about such product. Please insureattachments in the Appendix.SWOT ANALYSISSTRENGTHSShoe polish usually is a mixture of natural and synthetic materials. Cosmetic shoe polish of various dangerous ingredients. These chemicals can be easily absorbed through the skin causing potential harm to the skin and other organs of the body . It is essential that in using shoe polish, one must wear gloves when doing so, one must not drink alcohol while polishing shoes (it can increase the effects of certain chemic als), and must keep all shoe polish out of reach of children and animal companions. If used, shoe polish should be used in a well-ventilated area, and all of the product shoud be used, with any residual being discarded or presumptuousness to someone who will use it. When disposed, shoe polish needs to be handled as a hazardous househould substance. Rags or clothes used that come in contact with the shoe polish should also be immediately discarded.While some shoe urbane claim to be non-toxic, most do not list their ingredients, so it is impossible to know that they are truly free of dangerous chemicals. But now,through the introduction of Shinana, an eco-friendly shoe polish, Consumers can minimize the health hazards brought by using traditional polishers. The ingredients of Shinana contains no harmful chemicals thereby not endangering someones health. Because it doesnt contains expensive harmful chemicals and only need banana peel that are only thrown out after the fruit has been t aken off, its price is cheaper than that of the traditional shoe polish.Shinana, as have said earlier, is an eco-friendly product for it requires no proper disposal since it is all natural.WEAKNESSESBecause Shinana is all-natural, it perishes faster than that of the traditional shoe polish. Salt is the only preservative Shinana has, and according to tests,a bottle of Shinana last only for one and a half month that rendered our product,in comparison to traditional old polish , less convenient to its users. Shinana was only owned by A-Zmyn T. Honrado, a student, who has still no enough capital for the regularization of conducting business.Thus, Shinana is short-lived business on the grounds of economic constraint.And also, the owner still lack skills, profession,talentneeded to pursue the business since she was only a second year student taking Business Management.OPPORTUNITIESBanana is very much common in the Philippines. It is one of the oldest cultivated plants and is grown in at l east 107 countries, primarily for their fruit, and to a lesser completion to their peelings .Banana peelings cost nothing(see product pricing), like in the entrepreneurs case. Many banana cue,turon, saging con yelo, halo-halo prevailed the market.The owner sees that peeling are only throwned after the fruit has been taken off for we all know that many of us dont prefer to eat banana peelings aside from its fruit,though the former is edible. This poses a bully opportunity for the entrepreneur to make efficient use of that disposed banana peelings thats why she came up with the product.THREATSDue to some innovation of ideas, leather shoes are now being replaced by malleable shoes that is relatively cheaper than that of the leather shoes. Many prefer plastic shoes since it is durable even the it is raining.And because many prefer plastic over leather shoes, shoe polish demandability decreases.Luckily,the company is on its way in formulating shoe polish product for plastic shoe. Anot her is that, the company has no definite suppliers,the number of products that can be produced is dependent on the number of banana peelings collected from anywhere.Theres no control over the resources since they are only donated,not boughtCHAPTER4OPERATIONAL AND TECHNICAL ASPECTThis includes all the factors of the production and the processesMATERIALS AND EQUIPMENTMATERIALS100 g banana peelings1tbspoon rock salt2 g black dye coloring powderTOOLSPicture of Tools description/FunctionMortar and pestleMortar is a round bottom thick walled container in which a self-coloured material may be grinned while pestle is a long cylindrical considerable based rod used for grinding in mortarStirring rodA inhalation rod or stir rod is a piece of research laboratory equipment usually made of solid glass, about the thickness and slightly longer than a drinking straw, with rounded ends that is used to mix chemicals and liquids for laboratory purposes.Plastic cupA plastic cup is a disposable cup ma de out of plastic. It is most commonly used as a container to hold liquids.Plastic spoonA plastic utensil consisting of a small, shallow bowl on a handle, used in preparing, serving, or have food.Steel ForkA metal utensil with two or more prongs, used for alimentation or serving food.EQUIPMENTPicture of EquipmentDescription/FunctionHandy plastic sealerA 1-foot long electrical equipment that uses principle of pressure in order to seal plactics.OPERATIONAL PROCEDURE1. Scrape the white part of the banana peel with the use of steel fork.2. Mash the peeling with mortar and pestle.3. Pour in the salt and mix it with the peelings.4. Pour in the black dye powder and mix it with the peeling-salt mixture.5. Put the finished product in its packaging.CHAPTER 5SOCIO-ECONOMIC ASPECTSHINANA AND THE PEOPLEAccording to some news,unemployment and underemployment rate in the Phillipines spread over to increase yearly.There are many who have the skills,talents,profession but theres no position to co ncern with.The establishment of the company will provide employment to many if granted the chance to expand its operation.And also, Shinana helped the people by providing their needs for shoe beautification needs in an eco-friendly and natural way. It will also provide for peoples demand for inexpensive goods for,the product will cost lesser than those of commercial because only the tools and some additives are need to be bought, so we can assume convenience to those who will buy the companys product. Shinana also may help those who ventured in banana fruit businesses,since the company will be the one responsible for the disposal of the peelings.So we can assume convenience to them particularly in disposing these useful peelings.SHINANA AND THE societyWe all know that our country is in economic crisis.Resources are scarce yet our needs and wants are mean to say, we should make out of everything.Shinana can help the society by giving some cover response to many advoc acies promoting environment preservation and restoration.Shinana may help in these advocacies because the main ingredient was just banana peel so that will lessen the production of biodegradable garbage. It may also emit the old tradition of just throwing banana peel instead they can collect it and donate to the company for the company to transform it into a more useful and effective product which happen to be the banana shoe polisher. The Department of Health, issues emergency instructions regarding the INHALATION,EYE CONTACT,SKIN CONTACT of shoe polish.Another is that,In Los Angeles and most other places, shoe polish is disallowed in the regular trash. It must be disposed of as a hazardous material like mercury, because it often contains materials like naphtha and turpentine. Shinana can help the society, particularly by meeting the needs for a chemical-free shoepolish as replacement to the traditional shoe polish which is full of dangerous chemicals.Shinana gave way to reusing th e peel to polish the shoe through oils and the potassium present in banana polish that can preserve ones shoes. After the oils and potassium has been scraped from the peel,the company will compost the peel.Through Shinana, we can have polished shoes without damaging the societys well-beingand without endangering the environment, leaving behind zero packaging waste.SHINANA AND THE GOVERNMENT judicature promotes business activity in the Philippines for it will have a drastic effect in the economic health of the country. The more the business activities the faster is the circulation of the Philippine Currency.The more the business activity, spending prevails over saving.Shinana can help the government by conforming to these economic programs initiated by the government. Another is that, our company, if will be given a chance to expand its operations will be able to export Shinana that will finally become not only as a source of pride for the Filipinos but will also help in increasing the countrys GDP or Gross Domestic product which is one of the measure of our countrys economic performance.Lastly, government will be benefited because businesses are required to register the business.They collect such registration fees, licences fees.Another is that, because of the inherent power of the state, the company are required to pay taxes to the government that are used for the government to defray their necessary expenses.
Friday, May 17, 2019
The Da Vinci Code Chapter 48-51
CHAPTER 48Langdon could scarce believe his throw supposition, and til now, considering who had disposed this st adept cylinder to them, how he had flown it to them, and now, the inlaid Rose on the container, Langdon could formulate unaccompanied when one conclusion.I am place the Priory gravestone.The leg land up was specific.The key fruit is an encoded stone that lies infra the sign of the Rose.Robert? Sophie was watching him. Whats going on?Langdon needed a moment to gather his thoughts. Did your granddad constantly speak to you of approximatelything called la clef de v issuee?The key to the vault? Sophie translated.No, thats the literal translation. Clef de voute is a park architectural term. Voute refers non to a bank vault, however to a vault in an arch office. Like a spring ceiling.But vaulted ceilings dont pay keys.Actually they do. Every stone archway requires a central, wedge-shaped stone at the summit meeting which locks the pieces to tar ticktockher and carries all the weight. This stone is, in an architectural sense, the key to the vault. In English we call it a keystone. Langdon watched her eyes for any spark of recognition. Sophie shrugged, glancing down at the cryptex. But this plainly is not a keystone. Langdon didnt get where to begin. Keystones as a masonry technique for building sto progresschways had been one of the best-kept privy(p)s of the early Masonic uniting. The Royal ArchDegree.Architecture.Keystones.It was all interconnected. The surreptitious whapledge of how to drop a wedged keystone to build a vaulted archway was division of the wisdom that had make the Masons such(prenominal) wealthy craftsmen, and it was a secret they guarded c arefully. Keystones had always had a customs of secrecy. And yet, the stone cylinder in the rosewood buffet was obviously something quite different. The Priory keystone if this was indeed what they were holding was not at all what Langdon had imagined.The Priory keystone i s not my specialty, Langdon admitted. My interest in the consecrate grail is primarily symbologic, so I tend to ignore the plethora of lore regarding how to actually find it.Sophies eyebrows arched. Find the saintly Grail?Langdon gave an uneasy nod, speaking his next account books carefully. Sophie, according to Priory lore, the keystone is an encoded be a chromosome mapping that reveals the hiding place of the set apart Grail. Sophies face went blank. And you think this is it? Langdon didnt distinguish what to say. eventide to him it sounded unbelievable, and yet the keystone was the only logical conclusion he could muster. An encrypted stone, hidden infra the sign of theRose.The mood that the cryptex had been designed by da Vinci Da Vinci former Grand control of the Priory of Sion shone as another tantalizing indicator that this was indeed the Priory keystone. A former Grand Masters blueprintbrought to life centuries later by another Priory particle.The bond was too open to dismiss.For the last decade, historians had been searching for the keystone in French churches. Grail stick outkers, familiar with the Priorys history of cryptic double-talk, had cogitate la clef de voute was a literal keystone an architectural wedge an engraved, encrypted stone, inserted into a vaulted archway in a church. Beneath the sign of the Rose.In architecture, there was no shortage of roses. Rose windows.Ro striationte reliefs.And, of course, an abundance of cinquefoils the five-petaled decorative flowers a great deal found at the top of archways, directly over the keystone. The hiding place seemed diabolically simple. The map to the beatified Grail was incorporated high in an archway of some forgotten church, mocking the blind churchgoers who wandered beneath it.This cryptex cant be the keystone, Sophie argued. Its not old enough. Im certain my grandfather made this. It cant be part of any superannuated Grail legend.Actually, Langdon replied, sense a ting le of excitement ripple through him, the keystone is believed to have been created by the Priory some date in the preceding(a) couple of decades.Sophies eyes flashed disbelief. But if this cryptex reveals the hiding place of the Holy Grail, why would my grandfather give it to me? I have no idea how to open it or what to do with it. I dont even know what the Holy Grail isLangdon realized to his surprise that she was right. He had not yet had a chance to explain to Sophie the on-key nature of the Holy Grail. That story would have to wait. At the moment, they were focused on the keystone.If that is indeed what this is .Against the hum of the bulletproof wheels beneath them, Langdon quickly explained to Sophie everything he had comprehend about the keystone. Allegedly, for centuries, the Priorys biggest secret the view of the Holy Grail was never written down. For securitys sake, it was verbally transferred to each new rising senechal at a clandestine ceremony. However, at some po int during the last century, whisperings began to surface that the Priory policy had changed. Perhaps it was on bill of new electronic eavesdropping capabilities, that the Priory vowed never again even to speak the location of the sacred hiding place.But then how could they pass on the secret? Sophie asked.Thats where the keystone comes in, Langdon explained. When one of the top four members died, the be collar would choose from the lower echelons the next candidate to ascend as senechal.Rather than split uping the new senechal where the Grail was hidden, they gave him a test through which he could prove he was worthy.Sophie demeanored un typesettled by this, and Langdon suddenly recalled her mentioning how her grandfather used to bushel treasure hunts for her preuves de merite.Admittedly, the keystone was a similar concept. because again, tests like this were extremely common in secret societies. The best known was the Masons, wherein members ascended to higher degrees by proving they could keep a secret and by performing rituals and various tests of merit over soldieryy age. The tasks became progressively inviolableer until they culminated in a successful candidates stimulus generalization as thirty-second- degree Mason.So the keystone is a preuve de merite,Sophie said. If a rising Priory senechal can open it, he proves himself worthy of the information it holds.Langdon nodded. I forgot youd had experience with this sort of thing.Not only with my grandfather. In cryptology, thats called a self-authorizing language. That is, if youre yearn enough to read it, youre permitted to know what is being said.Langdon hesitated a moment. Sophie, you realize that if this is indeed the keystone, your grandfathers access to it implies he was exceptionally powerful within the Priory of Sion. He would have to have been one of the highest four members.Sophie sighed. He was powerful in a secret society. Im certain of it. I can only assume it was the Priory.Lang don did a double dispatch. You knew he was in a secret society?I saw some things I wasnt mantic to see ten historic period ago. We havent spoken since. She paused. My grandfather was not only a ranking top member of the group I believe he was the top member.Langdon could not believe what she had just said. Grand Master? But theres no way you could know thatId rather not talk about it. Sophie looked away, her expression as determined as it was pained.Langdon sat in stunned silence. Jacques Sauniere? Grand Master? Despite the astonishing repercussions if it were true, Langdon had the eery sensation it al nigh made perfect sense. After all, previous Priory Grand know had also been peremptory public figures with artistic souls. Proof of that fact had been uncovered years ago in Pariss Bibliotheque Nationale in cover that became known as Les Dossiers Secrets.Every Priory historian and Grail buff had read the Dossiers.Cataloged under Number 4o lm1 249, the Dossiers Secrets had been attested by many specialists and incontrovertibly confirmed what historians had suspected for a long term Priory Grand Masters include Leonardo Da Vinci, Botticelli, Sir Isaac Newton, Victor Hugo, and, to a greater extent recently, Jean Cocteau, the famous Parisian artist. wherefore not Jacques Sauniere?Langdons incredulity intensified with the realization that he had been slated to meet Sauniere tonight. The Priory Grand Master called a meeting with me.Why? To make artistic small talk? It suddenly seemed unlikely. After all, if Langdons instincts were correct, the Grand Master of the Priory of Sion had just transferred the brotherhoods legendary keystone to his granddaughter and simultaneously commanded her to find Robert Langdon.InconceivableLangdons imagination could conjure no set of circumstances that would explain Saunieres behavior. Even if Sauniere feared his own death, there were three senechaux who also possessed the secret and therefore guaranteed the Priorys security. Why would Sauniere take such an enormous risk giving his granddaughter the keystone, curiously when the two of them didnt get along? And why involve Langdon a total stranger?A piece of this puzzle is missing, Langdon thought.The answers were apparently going to have to wait. The sound of the slow down engine caused them both to look up. Gravel crunched beneath the tires. Why is he pulling over already? Langdon wondered. Vernet had told them he would take them nearly outside the city to dependablety. The motortruck decelerated to a crawl and made its way over unexpectedly rough terrain. Sophie shot Langdon an uneasy look, hastily closing the cryptex box seat and latching it. Langdon slipped his jacket backbone on.When the truck came to a stop, the engine remained idling as the locks on the rear doors began to turn. When the doors swung open, Langdon was surprised to see they were park in a wooded area, healthy off the road. Vernet stepped into view, a strained look in his eye . In his hand, he held a shooting iron.Im sorry about this, he said. I really have no choice.CHAPTER 49Andre Vernet looked awkward with a pistol, but his eyes shone with a determination that Langdon sensed would be unwise to test.Im afraid(predicate) I must insist, Vernet said, training the weapon on the two of them in the back of the idling truck. cook the box down.Sophie clutched the box to her chest. You said you and my grandfather were friends.I have a duty to protect your grandfathers assets, Vernet replied. And that is scarce what I am doing. Now set the box on the floor.My grandfather entrusted this to me Sophie declared. Do it, Vernet commanded, raising the gun. Sophie set the box at her feet.Langdon watched the gun barrel swing now in his direction.Mr. Langdon, Vernet said, you will express the box over to me. And be aware that Im asking you because you I would not hesitate to shoot.Langdon stared at the banker in disbelief. Why are you doing this?Why do you imagine? V ernet snapped, his accented English terse now. To protect my clients assets.We are your clients now, Sophie said.Vernets chump turned ice-cold, an eerie transformation. Mademoiselle Neveu, I dont know howyou got that key and account number tonight, but it seems obvious that foul play was involved. Had I known the extent of your crimes, I would never have helped you leave the bank.I told you, Sophie said, we had nothing to do with my grandfathers deathVernet looked at Langdon. And yet the radio claims you are wanted not only for the murder ofJacques Sauniere but for those of three other men as well?What Langdon was thunderstruck. Three more murders? The coinciding number hit him potenter than the fact that he was the prime suspect. It seemed too unlikely to be a coincidence. The three senechaux? Langdons eyes dropped to the rosewood box. If the senechaux were murdered, Sauniere had no options.He had to transfer the keystone to someone.The police can sort that out when I turn you in , Vernet said. I have gotten my bank involved too remote already.Sophie glared at Vernet. You obviously have no endeavor of turning us in. You would have driven us back to the bank. And instead you bring us out here and hold us at gunpoint?Your grandfather hired me for one reason to keep his possessions both safe and private. Whatever this box contains, I have no tendencyion of letting it become a piece of cataloged evidence in a police investigation. Mr. Langdon, bring me the box. Sophie shake her head. Dont do it. A gunshot roared, and a bullet tore into the wall above him. The reverberation move the back of the truck as a spent shell clinked onto the cargo floor.Shit Langdon froze.Vernet spoke more confidently now. Mr. Langdon, pick up the box. Langdon lifted the box. Now bring it over to me. Vernet was taking dead aim, rest on the country behind the rear bumper, his gun outstretched into the cargo hold now.Box in hand, Langdon moved across the hold toward the open door.Iv e got to do something Langdon thought. Im about to hand over the Priory keystone As Langdon moved toward the doorway, his position of higher ground became more pronounced, and he began wondering if he could somehow use it to his advantage. Vernets gun, though raised, was at Langdons knee level. A well-placed kick perhaps? Unfortunately, as Langdon neared, Vernet seemed to sense the dangerous propellent developing, and he took several steps back, repositioning himself six feet away. Well out of reach. Vernet commanded, Place the box beside the door. see no options, Langdon knelt down and set the rosewood box at the edge of the cargo hold, directly in calculate of the open doors. Now stand up. Langdon began to stand up but paused, spying the small, spent pistol shell on the floor beside the trucks precision-crafted doorsill.Stand up, and step away from the box.Langdon paused a moment longer, eyeing the metal threshold. thusly he stood. As he did, he discreetly brushed the shell ove r the edge onto the constringe ledge that was the doors lower sill. Fully upright now, Langdon stepped backswept.Return to the back wall and turn around. Langdon ob look.Vernet could feel his own heart pounding. Aiming the gun with his right hand, he reached now with his left for the wooden box. He discovered that it was remote too heavy. I need two hands. Turning his eyes back to his captives, he calculated the risk. twain were a equitable fifteen feet away, at the far end of the cargo hold, facing away from him. Vernet made up his take heed. Quickly, he laid down the gun on the bumper, lifted the box with two hands, and set it on the ground, immediately grabbing the gun again and aiming it back into the hold. Neither of his prisoners had moved.Perfect.Now all that remained was to close and lock the door. going the box on the ground for the moment, he grabbed the metal door and began to heave it closed. As the door swung past him, Vernet reached up to grab the single bolt th at needed to be slid into place. The door closed with a thud, and Vernet quickly grabbed the bolt, pulling it to the left. The bolt slid a few inches and crunched to an unexpected halt, not lining up with its sleeve. Whats going on? Vernet pulled again, but the bolt wouldnt lock. The mechanism was not properly aligned. The door isnt fully closed Feeling a surge of panic, Vernet shoved hard against the outside of the door, but it refused to budge. Something is blocking it Vernet turned to throw full shoulder into the door, but this time the door exploded outward, striking Vernet in the face and sending him reeling backward onto the ground, his nose bust in pain. The gun flew as Vernet reached for his face and matt-up the warm blood running from his nose.Robert Langdon hit the ground somewhere nearby, and Vernet tried to get up, but he couldnt see. His vision blurred and he fell backward again. Sophie Neveu was shouting. Moments later, Vernet felt a cloud of dirt and exhaust billowin g over him. He heard the crunching of tires on gravel and sat up just in time to see the trucks wide wheelbase fail to voyage a turn. There was a crash as the bowel movement bumper clipped a tree diagram. The engine roared, and the tree bent. Finally, it was the bumper that gave, tearing half off. The arrayed car lurched away, its apparent movement bumper dragging. When the truck reached the paved access road, a waste of sparks lit up the night, trailing the truck as it sped away. Vernet turned his eyes back to the ground where the truck had been parked. Even in the faint moonlight he could see there was nothing there.The wooden box was gone.CHAPTER 50The unmarked Fiat sedan departing Castel Gandolfo snaked downward through the Alban Hills into the valley below. In the back seat, Bishop Aringarosa smiled, feeling the weight of the bearer bonds in the briefcase on his lap and wondering how long it would be before he and the instructor could make the exchange.Twenty million euro .The sum would buy Aringarosa power far more worth(predicate) than that.As his car sped back toward Rome, Aringarosa again found himself wondering why the Teacher had not yet clutched him. Pulling his cell resound from his cassock pocket, he checked the carrier signal. Extremely faint.Cell emolument is sporadic up here, the driver said, glancing at him in the rearview mirror. In about five minutes, well be out of the mountains, and service improves.Thank you. Aringarosa felt a sudden surge of concern. No service in the mountains? maybe the Teacher had been trying to reach him all this time. Maybe something had gone terribly wrong.Quickly, Aringarosa checked the phones voice mail. Nothing. Then again, he realized, the Teacher never would have left a recorded message he was a man who took enormous care with his communications. Nobody understood better than the Teacher the perils of speaking openly in this fresh world. Electronic eavesdropping had played a major role in how he h ad gathered his astonishing rank of secret knowledge.For this reason, he takes extra precautions.Unfortunately, the Teachers protocols for caution included a refusal to give Aringarosa any kind of contact number. I alone will initiate contact, the Teacher had informed him. So keep your phoneclose.Now that Aringarosa realized his phone might not have been working properly, he feared what the Teacher might think if he had been repeatedly phoning with no answer.Hell think something is wrong. Or that I failed to get the bonds. The bishop stone-broke a light sweat. Or worse that I took the money and ranCHAPTER 51Even at a modest sixty kilometers an hour, the dangling front bumper of the armor truck grated against the deserted suburban road with a grinding roar, spraying sparks up onto the hood.Weve got to get off the road, Langdon thought.He could barely even see where they were headed. The trucks lone working headlight had been knocked off-center and was stamp a skewed sidelong bea m into the woods beside the country highway. Apparently the armor in this armored truck referred only to the cargo hold and not the front end.Sophie sat in the passenger seat, staring(a) blankly at the rosewood box on her lap. Are you okay? Langdon asked. Sophie looked shaken. Do you believe him? about(predicate) the three additional murders? Absolutely. It answers a lot of questions the issue of your grandfathers desperation to pass on the keystone, as well as the intensity with which Fache is hunting me.No, I meant about Vernet trying to protect his bank. Langdon glanced over. As opposed to? victorious the keystone for himself.Langdon had not even considered it. How would he even know what this box contains?His bank stored it. He knew my grandfather. Maybe he knew things. He might have decided he wanted the Grail for himself.Langdon shook his head. Vernet scantily seemed the type. In my experience, there are only two reasons people seek the Grail. Either they are guileless an d believe they are searching for the long-lost Cup of Christ Or? Or they know the truth and are threatened by it. Many groups throughout history have sought to destroy the Grail.The silence betwixt them accentuated the sound of the scraping bumper. They had driven a few kilometers now, and as Langdon watched the cascade of sparks coming off the front of the truck, he wondered if it was dangerous. Either way, if they passed another car, it would certainly draw attention. Langdon made up his mind.Im going to see if I can bend this bumper back.Pulling onto the shoulder, he brought the truck to a stop. Silence at last. As Langdon walked toward the front of the truck, he felt surprisingly alert. Staring into the barrel of yet another gun tonight had given him a second wind. He took a deep breath of nighttime air and tried to get his wits about him. Accompanying the gravity of being a hunted man, Langdon was starting to feel the overweight weight of responsibility, the prospect that he and Sophie might actually be holding an encrypted set of directions to one of the most enduring mysteries of all time.As if this burden were not great enough, Langdon now realized that any chance of finding away to return the keystone to the Priory had just evaporated. News of the three additional murders had dire implications. The Priory has been infiltrated.They are compromised.The brotherhood was obviously being watched, or there was a mole within the ranks. It seemed to explain why Sauniere might have transferred the keystone to Sophie and Langdon people outside the brotherhood, people he knew were not compromised. We cant very well give the keystone back tothe brotherhood.Even if Langdon had any idea how to find a Priory member, chances were good that whoever stepped forward to take the keystone could be the enemy himself. For the moment, at least, it seemed the keystone was in Sophie and Langdons hands, whether they wanted it or not.The trucks front end looked worse than Lan gdon had imagined. The left headlight was gone, and the right one looked like an eyeball dangling from its socket. Langdon straightened it, and it dislodged again. The only good news was that the front bumper had been torn almost clean off. Langdon gave it a hard kick and sensed he might be able to break it off entirely.As he repeatedly kicked the twisted metal, Langdon recalled his anterior conversation with Sophie. My grandfather left me a phone message, Sophie had told him. He said he needed to control me thetruth about my family.At the time it had meant nothing, but now, knowing the Priory of Sion was involved, Langdon felt a startling new possibility emerge.The bumper broke off suddenly with a crash. Langdon paused to catch his breath. At least the truck would no longer look like a Fourth of July sparkler. He grabbed the bumper and began dragging it out of sight into the woods, wondering where they should go next. They had no idea how to open the cryptex, or why Sauniere had given it to them. Unfortunately, their survival tonight seemed to depend on get answers to those very questions.We need help, Langdon decided. Professional help.In the world of the Holy Grail and the Priory of Sion, that meant only one man. The challenge, of course, would be selling the idea to Sophie.Inside the armored car, while Sophie waited for Langdon to return, she could feel the weight of the rosewood box on her lap and resented it. Why did my grandfather give this to me? She had not the slightest idea what to do with it.Think, Sophie Use your head. Grand-pere is trying to tell you somethingOpening the box, she eyed the cryptexs dials. A proof of merit.She could feel her grandfathers hand at work. The keystone is a map that can be followed only by the worthy.It sounded like her grandfather to the core.Lifting the cryptex out of the box, Sophie ran her fingers over the dials. Five letters.She turn the dials one by one. The mechanism moved smoothly. She aligned the disks suc h that her chosen letters lined up between the cryptexs two brass alignment arrows on either end of the cylinder. The dials now spelled a five-letter word that Sophie knew was absurdly obvious.G-R-A-I-L.Gently, she held the two ends of the cylinder and pulled, applying pressure slowly. The cryptex didnt budge. She heard the vinegar inside gurgle and stopped pulling. Then she tried again.V-I-N-C-IAgain, no movement. V-O-U-T-ENothing. The cryptex remained locked solid.Frowning, she replaced it in the rosewood box and closed the lid. Looking outside at Langdon, Sophie felt grateful he was with her tonight. P. S.Find Robert Langdon.Her grandfathers rationale for including him was now clear. Sophie was not equipped to understand her grandfathers intentions, and so he had assign Robert Langdon as her guide. A tutor to oversee her education. Unfortunately for Langdon, he had turned out to be far more than a tutor tonight. He had become the target of Bezu Fache and some unseen force intent on possessing the Holy Grail.Whatever the Grail turns out to be.Sophie wondered if finding out was worth her life.As the armored truck accelerated again, Langdon was pleased how oft more smoothly it drove. Do you know how to get to Versailles?Sophie eyed him. Sightseeing?No, I have a plan. Theres a religious historian I know who lives near Versailles. I cant remember exactly where, but we can look it up. Ive been to his estate a few times. His designation is Leigh Teabing. Hes a former British Royal Historian. And he lives in Paris? Teabings life passion is the Grail. When whisperings of the Priory keystone surfaced about fifteen years ago, he moved to France to search churches in hopes of finding it. Hes written some books on the keystone and the Grail. He may be able to help us figure out how to open it and what to do with it.Sophies eyes were wary. Can you trust him? Trust him to what? Not steal the information? And not to turn us in. I dont intend to tell him were wanted by t he police. Im hoping hell take us in until we can sort all this out.Robert, has it occurred to you that every television in France is probably getting ready to syllabus our pictures? Bezu Fache always uses the media to his advantage. Hell make it impossible for us to move around without being recognized.Terrific, Langdon thought. My French TV entrance will be on Pariss Most Wanted. At least Jonas Faukman would be pleased every time Langdon made the news, his book sales jumped.Is this man a good enough friend? Sophie asked.Langdon doubted Teabing was someone who watched television, especially at this hour, but still the question deserved consideration. Instinct told Langdon that Teabing would be totally trustworthy. An ideal safe harbor. Considering the circumstances, Teabing would probably trip over himself to help them as much as possible. Not only did he owe Langdon a favor, but Teabing was a Grail researcher, and Sophie claimed her grandfather was the actual Grand Master of the Priory of Sion. If Teabing heard that, he would salivate at the thought of helping them figure this out.Teabing could be a powerful ally, Langdon said. Depending on how much you want to tell him.Fache probably will be offering a monetary reward.Langdon laughed. call back me, money is the last thing this guy needs. Leigh Teabing was wealthy in the way small countries were wealthy. A descending(prenominal) of Britains First Duke of Lancaster, Teabing had gotten his money the old-fashioned way hed inherited it. His estate outside of Paris was a seventeenth-century castling with two private lakes.Langdon had first met Teabing several years ago through the British Broadcasting Corporation. Teabing had approached the BBC with a proposal for a diachronical documentary in which he would expose the explosive history of the Holy Grail to a mainstream television audience. The BBC producers loved Teabings hot premise, his research, and his credentials, but they had concerns that the concep t was so shocking and hard to swallow that the network might end up tarnishing its reputation for quality journalism. At Teabings suggestion, the BBC solved its credibility fears by soliciting three cameos from respected historians from around the world, all of whom corroborated the stunning nature of the Holy Grail secret with their own research. Langdon had been among those chosen. The BBC had flown Langdon to Teabings Paris estate for the filming. He sat before cameras in Teabings opulent drawing agency and shared his story, admitting his initial skepticism on hearing of the alternate Holy Grail story, then describing how years of research had persuaded him that the story was true. Finally, Langdon offered some of his own research a series of symbologic connections that strongly supported the evidently controversial claims.When the program aired in Britain, despite its ensemble cast and well-documented evidence, the premise rubbed so hard against the grain of popular Christia n thought that it instantly confronted a firestorm of hostility. It never aired in the States, but the repercussions echoed across the Atlantic.Shortly afterward, Langdon received a postcard from an old friend the Catholic Bishop of Philadelphia. The card just read Et tu, Robert?Robert, Sophie asked, youre certain we can trust this man?Absolutely. Were colleagues, he doesnt need money, and I happen to know he despises the French authorities. The French government taxes him at absurd rates because he bought a historic landmark. Hell be in no hurry to cooperate with Fache. Sophie stared out at the dark roadway. If we go to him, how much do you want to tell him? Langdon looked unconcerned. Believe me, Leigh Teabing knows more about the Priory of Sionand the Holy Grail than anyone on earth.Sophie eyed him. More than my grandfather?I meant more than anyone outside the brotherhood.How do you know Teabing isnt a member of the brotherhood?Teabing has spent his life trying to broadcast the truth about the Holy Grail. The Priorys oath is to keep its true nature hidden.Sounds to me like a conflict of interest.Langdon understood her concerns. Sauniere had given the cryptex directly to Sophie, and although she didnt know what it contained or what she was supposed to do with it, she was hesitant to involve a total stranger. Considering the information potentially enclosed, the instinct was probably a good one. We dont need to tell Teabing about the keystone immediately. Or at all, even. His house will give us a place to hide and think, and maybe when we talk to him about the Grail, youll start to have an idea why your grandfather gave this to you.Us,Sophie reminded.Langdon felt a humble pride and wondered yet again why Sauniere had included him. Do you know more or less where Mr. Teabing lives? Sophie asked. His estate is called Chateau Villette.Sophie turned with an incredulous look. The Chateau Villette? Thats the one.Nice friends.You know the estate?Ive passed it. Its in the castle district. Twenty minutes from here. Langdon frowned. That far? Yes, which will give you enough time to tell me what the Holy Grail really is.Langdon paused. Ill tell you at Teabings. He and I specialize in different areas of the legend, so between the two of us, youll get the full story. Langdon smiled. Besides, the Grail has been Teabings life, and hearing the story of the Holy Grail from Leigh Teabing will be like hearing the theory of relativity from Einstein himself.Lets hope Leigh doesnt mind late-night tittle-tattleors.For the record, its Sir Leigh. Langdon had made that mistake only once. Teabing is quite a character. He was knighted by the Queen several years back after composing an extensive history on the House of York.Sophie looked over. Youre kidding, right? Were going to visit a knight?Langdon gave an awkward smile. Were on a Grail quest, Sophie. Who better to help us than a knight?
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